Sfoglia per Autore
An evolutionary interpretation of ethnic networks: the Chinese example
2007-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; TIBERI VIPRAIO, Patrizia
Small Business Entrepreneurship and the Internal Determinants of International Behaviour
2008-01-01 Mason, Michela Cesarina; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Il sistema bancario cinese: struttura e credito alle piccole e medie imprese
2008-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
The structure of the chinese banking system and credit access problems for SMEs
2008-01-01 Geretto, E.; Pauluzzo, R.
Imprenditorialità, Internazionalizzazione e Governance nelle Piccole Imprese: un’Analisi Empirica sulle Determinanti dell’International Performance, in “Corporate governante: governo, controllo e struttura finanziaria
2009-01-01 Lokar, A; Mason, Michela Cesarina; Pauluzzo, R.
Cultural Values, HRM and Performance of Italian Companies in China
2009-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
The Chinese Banking System: Economic Performance and Prospects for Future Development
2009-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
SMEs: The Path towards International Success
2009-01-01 Mason, Michela Cesarina; Pauluzzo, R.
Values, Beliefs, artifacts and avatars. Cultural issues mediated by Virtual Worlds
2010-01-01 Cagnina, Maria Rosita; Pauluzzo, R; Poian, M.
How Cultural Determinants May Affect HRM: The Case of Italian Companies in China
2010-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Cultural Distance and Entry Mode Choice: Evidence from the North-Adriatic Area
2011-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
La borsa valori in Cina: struttura e problematiche
2011-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, R.
The International Evolution of Italian and Chinese Districts: What Role for Lead Firms?
2011-01-01 Giansoldati, Marco; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Differenze culturali e risorse umane: il caso delle imprese italiane in Cina
2012-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Integrazione dell’Alto Adriatico: Differenze Culturali e Prospettive di Business nella Regione
2012-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Stock Exchange Markets in China: Structure and Main Problems
2012-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, R.
Foreign Market Entry Strategies in the North-Adriatic Area
2013-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
The Yin Yang perspective on culture and cross-cultural management: Pilot studies from diverse national and organizational contexts
2013-01-01 Fang, Tony; Burcin Erarslan, Ayse; Pauluzzo, Rubens; Valk, Reimara; Guillaumon, Siegrid; Cordeiro-Nilsson, Cheryl; Volkov, Mikhail
Un modello strutturale per interpretare la customer satisfaction nelle banche di piccole dimensioni
2013-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Mason, Michela Cesarina; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Stock echange markets in Hong Kong: structure and main problems
2013-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
A Structural Model to Explain Customer Repurchase Intentions in Co-operative Banks
2014-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Direct and Indirect Determinants of Customer Behavioural Intentions in Retail Co-operative Banks
2015-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Knowledge Management and Risk Culture in the Banking Industry: Relations and Problems
2015-01-01 Geretto, Enrico Fioravante; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Cultural Dynamics and their Impact on Knowledge and Organizational Strategies of Multinational Corporations
2016-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Cagnina, Maria Rosita
Internal application of IR principles: Generali's Internal Integrated Reporting
2016-01-01 Mio, Chiara; Fasan, Marco; Pauluzzo, Rubens
National Culture or Sectoral Culture? Analysis of Project Organizations in Hungary and Italy
2017-01-01 Csepregi, Anikó; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Project organizations and different levels of culture in Hungary and Italy
2017-01-01 Csepregi, Anikó; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Emerging Chinese Fashion Brands: The Silent Revolution?
2017-01-01 Massarini, Monia; Pauluzzo, Rubens
The art of war? The role of cultural distance in IJVs Knowledge management processes
2017-01-01 Pauluzzo, R.; Cagnina, Maria Rosita
Bridging the divide: intercultural competences to reconcile the knowledge transfer dilemma in multinational contexts
2017-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Cagnina, Maria Rosita
Evaluating Customers' Behavioral Intentions in Less Significant Financial Institutions
2017-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Geretto, Enrico Fioravante
Impact of Culture on Management of Foreign SMEs in China
2018-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Shen, Bin
Managing paradoxes, dilemmas, and change. A case study to apply the Yin Yang wisdom in Western organizational settings
2018-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Guarda, Marta; De Pretto, Laura; Fang, Tony
Ethnicity versus country-of-origin effects: A situational process-focused approach towards designer fashion brand evaluation
2018-01-01 Pelet, Jean-Eric; Massarini, Monia; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Validating the EUCS Model to Measure the Level of Satisfaction of Internet Users in Local Banks in Italy
2018-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Geretto, Enrico Fioravante
A passage to India: cultural distance issues in IJVs’ knowledge management
2019-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Cagnina, Maria Rosita
Applying Yin Yang Wisdom in Western Organizational Settings: Using Interviews, Documents, and Field Observations for Cross-Cultural Research
2020-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Learning tools to develop cultural intelligence for SMFEs: the role of social cognitive processes
2020-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Cultural intelligence development in internationalising SMEs: experiential and social learning mechanisms for successful owner-managers
2021-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens
Il trattamento contabile degli intangible asset nel bilancio delle imprese di assicurazione. Dal bilancio di esercizio all’integrated reporting
2021-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Fedele, Paolo
Gaining insight into country image: a moderated mediation analysis of the perception of Italy across seven emerging markets
2021-01-01 De Nisco, Alessandro; Mason, Michela C.; Rosaria Napolitano, Maria; Pauluzzo, Rubens
The imitation game: building cultural intelligence as a social learning capability to boost SMEs' international performance
2021-01-01 Pauluzzo, R.
L’evoluzione delle forme della rendicontazione: il bilancio di missione nelle organizzazioni sindacali
2022-01-01 Fedele, Paolo; Iacuzzi, Silvia; Garlatti, Andrea; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Yin-Yang balancing: a novel way of managing firms’ entrepreneurial orientation paradoxes
2022-01-01 Pauluzzo, R.
Recycling habits and environmental responses to fast-fashion consumption: Enhancing the theory of planned behavior to predict Generation Y consumers’ purchase decisions
2022-01-01 Mason, M. C.; Pauluzzo, Rubens; Umar, RANA MUHAMMAD
A multi-dimensional view of consumer value to explain socially-responsible consumer behavior: a fuzzy-set analysis of Generation Y’s fast-fashion consumers
2022-01-01 Pauluzzo, Rubens; Mason, Michela Cesarina
Public sector digitalization: opportunities and paradoxes
2023-01-01 Garlatti, Andrea; Fedele, Paolo; Iacuzzi, Silvia; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Rethinking Performance-based Budgeting: The Case of the Russian Healthcare System
2023-01-01 Dokalskaya, Irina; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Amidst technology, environment and human touch. Understanding elderly customers in the bank retail sector
2023-01-01 Mason, Michela C.; Zamparo, Gioele; Pauluzzo, Rubens
Looking for missing outcomes: accounting for intellectual capital and value creation in ecosystems
2023-01-01 Iacuzzi, S.; Pauluzzo, R.
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