Proliferation and Social Effects of Video Surveillance Systems
2008-01-01 Farinosi, M.
Tecnocontrollo. Quando le pratiche di appropriazione mostrano i loro lati negativi
2008-01-01 Farinosi, M.
New technologies, new challenges to privacy. Is it time for Privacy 2.0?
2008-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Towards a Postpanopticon perspective: privacy, control and UGC
2010-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Inside the "People of the Wheelbarrows": participation between online and offline dimension in the post-quake social movement
2010-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Treré, Emiliano
The Alternative Quake: discrepancies beween mainstream and user generated information in the L’Aquila case
2010-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Treré, Emiliano
Between the Square and the Net: Civic Engagement and Participation in a Post-Earthquake Movement
2011-01-01 Farinosi, M.; Trere', Emiliano
EASST 2010 - Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social Session Review- Track 34: Surveillance in Society
2011-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Civic engagement and community empowerment after a natural disaster. The case of ‘3e32’ citizens’ committee
2011-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Beyond the Panopticon Framework: Privacy, Control and User Generated Content
2011-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Deconstructing Bentham’s Panopticon: The New Metaphors of Surveillance in the Web 2.0 Environment
2011-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
The role of the Internet and the urban knitting movement
2012-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Fortunati, Leopoldina
Sharing as educational practice: a case-study from University of Udine
2012-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Fortunati, Leopoldina
L’Aquila 2.0: partecipazione dal basso nel primo disastro italiano dell’era digitale
2012-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Micalizzi, Alessandra
(H)earthquake TV: 'People Rebuilding Life after the Emergency'
2012-01-01 Treré, E; Farinosi, Manuela
Il contributo della ricerca sociale nel post-terremoto aquilano
2012-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela
Citizen Journalism after a Natural Catastrophe: The Emergence of an Alternative Public Sphere
2013-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Treré, E.
NetQuake: Media digitali e disastri naturali. Dieci ricerche empiriche sul ruolo della Rete nel terremoto dell’Aquila
2013-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Micalizzi, A.
Introduzione: A partire da un’idea
2013-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Micalizzi, Alessandra
Googlemapping and sharing digital memories after a natural disaster: community, places and digital media to remember the city of L'Aquila (Italy)
2013-01-01 Farinosi, Manuela; Micalizzi, Alessandra