A forgotten debate in the history of medicine: vascular anastomoses, from open functional relationships to tight structural connections
2024-01-01 Saccheri, P.; Crivellato, E.; Travan, L.
A light and electron microscopic quantitative analysis of nerve-immune cell contacts in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue of the mouse colon
2002-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Soldano, Franca; Travan, Luciana
A portrait of Aristotle as an anatomist: historical article
2007-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Ribatti, D.
A rosacea-like eruption induced by Tigason (ro 10-9359) treatment
1982-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico
A ruthenium red-toluidine blue procedure for staining epoxy sections in the light microscopy.
1990-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Zweyer, M; Basa, M; Mallardi, F.
Accumulation of acidotropic substances in mast cell granules is probably mediated by specific transport mechanisms
1998-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Candussio, L; Decorti, G; Bartoli Klugmann, F; Mallardi, F.
Adriamycin binds to the matrix of secretory granules during mast cell exocytosis
1997-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Candussioi, L; Decorti, G; Klugmann, Fb; Baldini, L.
Adriamycin induces exocytosis in rat and beige mouse peritoneal mast cells: an ultrastructural, morphometric and biochemical study
1999-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Candussio, L; Decorti, G; Klugmann, Fb; Mallardi, Franco
Alterazione strutturale del caput longum bicipitale osservata in corso di esame necroscopico
1991-01-01 Delbello, G; Crivellato, Enrico; Siciliani de Cumis, Gv
An anatomist in the Middle Ages: a brief journey through developmental defects of the human axial skeleton
2007-01-01 Travan, Luciana; Saccheri, Paola; Crivellato, Enrico
An image analysis of the spatial distribution of perivascular mast cells in human melanoma
2006-01-01 Guidolin, D.; Crivellato, Enrico; Nico, B.; Andreis, Pg; Nussdorfer, Gg; Ribatti, D.
An osmium-iodide post-fixation procedure to stain phenols in coffee leaves
1989-01-01 Scalet, Mario; Crivellato, Enrico; Mallardi, F.
Analisi computerizzata sulla configurazione tridimensionale delle cellule interdigitate nei linfonodi e nella milza
1990-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Baldini, G; Mallardi, F; Basa, M.
Angiogenesis and mast cells in human breast cancer sentinel lymph nodes with and without micrometastases
2007-01-01 Ribatti, D; Finato, Nicoletta; Crivellato, Enrico; Guidolin, D; Longo, V; Mangieri, D; Nico, B; Vacca, A; Beltrami, Carlo Alberto
Angiogenesis in asthma.
2009-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; LEVI SCHAFFER, F; Nico, B; Puxeddu, I; Ribatti, D; Vacca, A.
Angiogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis
2006-01-01 Maruotti, N; Cantatore, F. P.; Crivellato, Enrico; Vacca, A; Ribatti, D.
Angiogenic activity of rat mast cells in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane is down-regulated by treatment with recombinant human alpha-2a interferon and partly mediated by fibroblast growth factor-2
2002-01-01 Ribatti, D.; Crivellato, Enrico; Candussio, L.; Vacca, A.; Nico, B.; Benagiano, V.; Roncali, L.; Dammacco, F.
Angiogenic response induced by acellular femoral matrix in vivo.
2005-01-01 Conconi, M. T.; Crivellato, Enrico; Nico, B.; Nussdorfer, G. G.; Parnigotto, P. P.; Rebuffat, P.; Ribatti, D.
Apposition of enteric nerve fibers to plasma cells and immunoblasts in the mouse small bowel.
1998-01-01 Crivellato, Enrico; Soldano, Franca; Travan, Luciana; Fusaroli, Paolo; Mallardi, Franco
Aquaporin-4 contributes to the resolution of peritumoural brain oedema in human glioblastoma multiforme after combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
2009-01-01 Annese, T; Crivellato, Enrico; Longo, V; Maderna, E; Mangieri, D; Nico, B; Pollo, B; Ribatti, D; Salmaggi, A; Tamma, R.