Università degli Studi di UDINE
A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction for the Italian Language
2014-01-01 Degl'Innocenti, Dante; DE NART, Dario; Tasso, Carlo
A Novel Knowledge-Based Architecture for Concept Mining on Italian and English Texts
2015-01-01 Degl'Innocenti, Dante; DE NART, Dario; Tasso, Carlo
A Semantic Metadata Generator for Web Pages Based on Keyphrase Extraction
2014-01-01 DE NART, Dario; Tasso, Carlo; Degl'Innocenti, Dante
A thin-server approach to ephemeral Web personalization exploiting RDF data embedded in Web pages
2014-01-01 DE NART, Dario; Tasso, Carlo; Degl'Innocenti, Dante
Crowdsourcing Relevance Assessments: The Unexpected Benefits of Limiting the Time to Judge
2016-01-01 Maddalena, Eddy; Basaldella, Marco; De Nart, Dario; Degl'Innocenti, Dante; Mizzaro, Stefano; Demartini, Gianluca
Localization issues for an autonomous robot moving in a potentially adverse environment
2017-01-01 D’Angelo, Antonio; Degl’Innocenti, Dante
Modelling the User Modelling Community (and Other Communities as Well)
2015-01-01 DE NART, Dario; Degl'Innocenti, Dante; Pavan, Andrea; Basaldella, Marco; Tasso, Carlo
Multilingual Keyphrase Extraction and Advanced Localisation Strategies
2017-10-16 Degl'Innocenti, Dante
Users as crawlers: exploiting metadata embedded in Web pages for user profiling
2014-01-01 DE NART, Dario; Tasso, Carlo; Degl'Innocenti, Dante