DISU - DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE UMANE (attivo dal 01/01/2011 al 31/12/2015)
Autistic traits predict poor integration between top-down contextual expectations and movement kinematics during action observation
2018-01-01 Amoruso, L; Finisguerra, A; Urgesi, C
Contextual priors do not modulate action prediction in children with autism
2019-01-01 Amoruso, L.; Narzisi, A.; Pinzino, M.; Finisguerra, A.; Billeci, L.; Calderoni, S.; Fabbro, F.; Muratori, F.; Volzone, A.; Urgesi, C.
Contextualizing action observation in the predictive brain: Causal contributions of prefrontal and middle temporal areas
2018-01-01 Amoruso, Lucia; Finisguerra, Alessandra; Urgesi, Cosimo
Dissociated representations of deceptive intentions and kinematic adaptations in the observer’s motor system
2018-01-01 Finisguerra, Alessandra; Amoruso, Lucia; Makris, Stergios; Urgesi, Cosimo
Familiarity modulates motor activation while other species' actions are observed: a magnetic stimulation study
2016-01-01 Amoruso, Lucia; Urgesi, Cosimo
Tracking the time course of top-down contextual effects on motor responses during action comprehension
2016-01-01 Amoruso, Lucia; Finisguerra, Alessandra; Urgesi, Cosimo
“Left and right prefrontal routes to action comprehension”
2023-01-01 Amoruso, L.; Finisguerra, A.; Urgesi, C.