DSMB - DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE MEDICHE E BIOLOGICHE (attivo dal 01/01/2011 al 31/12/2016)
Androgen receptor targeted conjugate for bimodal photodynamic therapy of prostate cancer in vitro
2015-01-01 Rapozzi, Valentina; Ragno, D; Guerrini, A; Ferroni, C; DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Cesselli, Daniela; Castoria, G; Di Donato, M; Saracino, E; Benfenati, V; Varchi, G.
Anticancer activity of cationic porphyrins in melanoma tumour-bearing mice and mechanistic in vitro studies
2014-01-01 Rapozzi, Valentina; Zorzet, Sonia; Zacchigna, Marina; DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Cogoi, Susanna; Xodo, Luigi
Dual roles of nitric oxide in the regulation of tumor cell response and resistance to photodynamic therapy
2015-01-01 Rapozzi, Valentina; DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Bonavida, B.
Effetto della terapia fotodinamica sulla transizione epitelio-mesenchimale in cellule di carcinoma prostatico
2013-01-01 DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Rapozzi, Valentina; Xodo, Luigi
Molecular pathways in the response of tumors to photodynamic therapy: Role of NF-ĸB /YY1/RKIP loop
2015-04-10 Della Pietra, Emilia
Repeated low-dose Pba/PDt treatments stimulate cell growth of prostate cancer cells
2013-01-01 Rapozzi, Valentina; DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Cesselli, Daniela; Bonavida, B; Xodo, Luigi
Repeated sub-optimal photodynamic treatments with pheophorbide a induce an epithelial mesenchymal transition in prostate cancer cells via nitric oxide
2015-01-01 DELLA PIETRA, Emilia; Simonella, Francesca; Bonavida, Benjamin; Xodo, Luigi; Rapozzi, Valentina
The Role Of Nitric Oxide After Repeated Low Dose Photodynamic Treatments In Prostate Carcinoma Cells
2015-01-01 Rapozzi, Valentina; Pietra, Emilia Della; Bonavida, Benjamin; Xodo, Luigi Emilio