SIMI, Francesca
SIMI, Francesca
An Assyrian Winery in Khinis, Ancient Khanusa (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
2024-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Coppini, Costanza; MORANDI BONACOSSI, Pierdaniele
Archaeological Sites and Villages of the Mosul Dam Reservoir Survey (1980)
2020-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Sconzo, Paola
Assiria in pericolo / Endangered Assyria
2022-01-01 Simi, Francesca
Community Archaeology Challenges and Perspectives from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: The Case of Faida (Duhok Governorate)
2022-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Ihsan Yaseen, Kovan; MORANDI BONACOSSI, Pierdaniele
Ethical considerations for remote sensing and open data in relation to the endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa project
2021-01-01 Fisher, M.; Fradley, M.; Flohr, P.; Rouhani, B.; Simi, F.
Following the herds? A new distribution of hunting kites in Southwest Asia
2022-01-01 Fradley, M.; Simi, F.; Guagnin, M
From the Core of the Empire. New Archaeological Discoveries of the University of Udine in Ancient Assyria
2022-01-01 MORANDI BONACOSSI, Pierdaniele; Simi, F.; Turri, L.
From the Tigris to the Banks of the Euphrates: Post-Flooding Assessment at the Tishreen Dam Reservoir, North Syria
2024-01-01 Sconzo, Paola; Simi, Francesca; Titolo, Andrea
Gara: A Forgotten Oasis in Egypt's Western Desert
2022-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Kenawi, Mohamed
Interactions and New Directions in Near Eastern Archaeology. Volume 3. Proceedings of the 5th “Broadening Horizons” Conference (Udine 5-8 June 2017)
2020-01-01 Simi, F.; Coppini, C.
L'Assiria dal cielo e dallo spazio/Assyria from Air and Space
2022-01-01 Simi, Francesca
2023-01-01 Kenawi, Mohamed; Simi, Francesca
Proceedings of the workshop “Drowning Landscapes: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage of Dam Reservoirs”, Copenhagen, May 24th, 2023
2024-01-01 Sconzo, Paola; Simi, Francesca; Eidem, Jesper
ReLandProject/MosulDrownedLandscapes: Journal Submission Version
2023-01-01 Sconzo, Paola; Simi, Francesca; Titolo, Andrea
Remote Survey of Desert Kites in Northern Arabia
2021-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Fradley, Michael
Settlement Dynamics on the Banks of the Upper Tigris, Iraq: The Mosul Dam Reservoir Survey (1980)
2020-01-01 Sconzo, Paola; Simi, Francesca
Social Lives of Monumental Walls: Hunting along the Upper Tigris
2021-01-01 Sconzo, P.; Simi, F.; Ahmadpour, A.
The Northern Lebanon Project: Archaeological Survey of the Plain of Koura and the Province of Tripoli. First Season Report
2019-01-01 Iamoni, Marco; Haider, May; Turri, Luigi; Simi, Francesca
The submerged archaeological sites of the mosul dam reservoir. Evaluating emergence patterns with a new cost‑efficient tool.
2025-01-01 Simi, Francesca; Sconzo, Paola; Titolo, Andrea
The Tell Gomel archaeological survey : surface research and off-site investigations in the heart of the Navkur plain, Iraqi Kurdistan
2019-11-15 Simi, Francesca