Sfoglia per Autore
Realizzazione e gestione di un impianto di cogenerazione alimentato a scarti industriali: aspetti funzionali e valutazioni tecnico economiche a fronte del primo anno di esercizio
2001-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Nardin, Gioacchino; Simeoni, Patrizia
A district oriented approach to energy flows analysis: a case study from the food industry
2002-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Perspectives on facilities management for industrial districts
2002-01-01 Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana
Integrazione di metodologie statistiche e analisi tecniche per la stima dei fabbisogni energetici nei distretti industriali
2002-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana; Moroso, L.
Designing a biomass-fired system serving an industrial district: deriving profitability information through an optimised dimensioning
2002-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Designing a biomass-fired district heating system serving an industrial district: deriving profitability information through an optimised dimensioning
2002-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Industrial waste recovery from the furniture industry: designing an integrated cogeneration pole for CO2 emission minimisation
2002-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Facilities Management in un distretto industriale: orientamenti delle imprese ed opportunità di sviluppo nel settore del legno
2003-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; DE MONTE, M.; Meneghetti, Antonella; Padoano, E.; Vogrig, R.
Evaluating feasibility of a sustainable greenhouse heating through renewable energy sources
2003-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Nardin, Gioacchino
Application of biomass fed ORC power systems in the furniture manufacturing industrial district of Pordenone - Part I: Determinants of renewable energy exploitation
2004-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Simeoni, Patrizia; Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana
Diffused introduction of Organic Rankine Cycle for biomass-based power generation in an industrial district: a systems analysis
2004-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Nardin, Gioacchino
Energy analysis in industrial districts: a statistics-based approach
2004-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Progettazione della logistica di approvvigionamento per impianti di conversione energetica a biomasse: applicazione ad un contesto montano
2004-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Venturini, E.
La cogenerazione in un contesto urbano: il caso di Udine Nord
2004-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Simeoni, Patrizia; Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana
2004-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Venturini, E.
Pursuing environmental and economic objectives in the design of distributed generation and district heating plants
2005-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Nardin, Gioacchino; Simeoni, Patrizia
Optimization models for decision support in the development of biomass-based industrial district heating networks in Italy
2005-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Waste-to-energy based greenhouse heating: exploring viability conditions through optimisation models
2005-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana
Opportunità di cogenerazione alimentata a biomasse nel distretto del mobile dell'Alto Livenza:fattibilità economica ed impatto sul territorio
2005-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Nardin, G.
Opportunita' di cogenerazione alimentata a biomasse nel distretto del mobile dell'alto Livenza: fattibilita' economica ed impatto sul territorio , Energia prodotta dagli scarti della lavorazione del legno - Opportunita' di cogenerazione nel distretto del mobile
2005-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Chinese, Damiana
“To centralize or to decentralize? An optimization model supporting the design of distributed cogeneration, district heating and cooling systems
2006-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Biral, M.
Impatto energetico-ambientale della logistica globale di approvvigionamento per un'azienda industriale
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Nardin, G; Tosoni, S.
Exploring prospects for local, small-scale biofuel supply chains: A Mathematical Programming Model for Friuli Venezia Giulia Region
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Monaco, B; Nardin, Gioacchino
From hospital to municipal cogeneration systems: an Italian case study
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella; Nardin, Gioacchino; Simeoni, Patrizia
Strategie e strumenti di manutenzione nel Nord Est. Indagine sullo stato dei servizi di manutenzione nelle aziende industriali delle Province di Treviso, Pordenone e Udine”
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Ghirardo, G.
Incorporating Environmental and Economic Objectives in the Design of Distributed Generation and District Heating Plants Through Externalities: Dealing with Uncertainty
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Nardin, G.; Simeoni, Patrizia
Resolving Location Issues in Planning the Development of Biomass Based District Energy Systems
2007-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Sturam, J.
Optimal size and layout planning for district heating and cooling networks with distributed generation options
2008-01-01 Chinese, Damiana
Lo studio di fattibilità degli impianti di servizio: principi teorici ed esempi applicativi
2008-01-01 Chinese, Damiana
Design of forest biofuel supply chains
2009-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Meneghetti, Antonella
Maintenance management in Italian manufacturing firms: Matters of size and matters of strategy
2010-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Ghirardo, G.
Benchmarking maintenance management in manufacturing firms: empirical evidence from Northern Italy
2011-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Fumagalli, L.; Ierace, S.; Macchi, M.; Guarino, M.
2011-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Nardin, Gioacchino; Saro, Onorio
Location and long-term capacity planning of agricultural biogas plants
2011-01-01 Chinese, Damiana
L'ingegneria di manutenzione nelle aziende manifatturiere
2011-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Ghirardo, G.
Valutazione tecnico-economica di un impianto a biomasse mediante analisi di rischio
2012-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Fiannacca, G.; Pezzarini, D.; Pinamonti, Piero
Bigger, better, slower, less: a longitudinal case study on the energy efficiency of a global supply chain
2012-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Patrizio, Piera
Universities as activators of urban symbiosis for sustainable energy supply: a case study
2013-01-01 Nardin, Gioacchino; Meneghetti, Antonella; Chinese, Damiana; Simeoni, Patrizia
A Service Station Location Model to Explore Prospects and Policies for Alternative Transport Fuels: A Case of CNG Distribution in Italy
2014-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Patrizio, Piera; Bonotto, M.
Effects of changes in Italian bioenergy promotion schemes for agricultural biogas projects: Insights from a regional optimization model
2014-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Patrizio, Piera; Nardin, Gioacchino
Optimal location, technology and capacity planning of biogas production and utilization plants
2014-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Patrizio, Piera; Nardin, Gioacchino
Biomethane as transport fuel - A comparison with other biogas utilization pathways in northern Italy
2015-01-01 Patrizio, Piera; Leduc, S.; Chinese, Damiana; Dotzauer, E.; Kraxner, F.
The impact of regional factors and new bio-methane incentive schemes on the structure, profitability and CO2 balance of biogas plants in Italy
2016-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Patrizio, P.
Exploring the Water-Energy-GHG NEXUS in Process Waste Heat Recovery Projects
2016-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Santin, Maurizio; Saro, Onorio
Internalizing the external costs of biogas supply chains in the Italian energy sector
2017-01-01 Patrizio, P.; Leduc, S.; Chinese, Damiana; Kraxner, F.
Free-cooling potential in shopping mall buildings with plants equipped by dry-coolers boosted with evaporative pads
2017-01-01 De Angelis, Alessandra; Chinese, Damiana; Saro, Onorio
Water-energy and GHG nexus assessment of alternative heat recovery options in industry: A case study on electric steelmaking in Europe
2017-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Santin, Maurizio; Saro, Onorio
International vs. domestic bioenergy supply chains for co-firing plants: The role of pre-treatment technologies
2018-01-01 Mauro, Caterina; Rentizelas, Athanasios A.; Chinese, Damiana
Grid based energy system setup optimisation with Rivus in dedicated regions
2018-01-01 Hofsäß, Fabian; Santin, Maurizio; Condotta, Massimiliano; Biberacher, Markus; Chinese, Damiana; Borga, Giovanni
What to do with industrial waste heat considering a water-energy nexus perspective
2018-01-01 Chinese, Damiana; Santin, Maurizio; De Angelis, Alessandra; Saro, Onorio; Biberacher, Markus
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