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Age-dependent excretion of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid (HMG) and ketone bodies in the urine of full-term and preterm newborns 1-gen-1982 Lippe, Giovanna; Galzigna, L; Francesconi, L; Zorzi, C. AND DEANA R.
Partial uncoupling, or inhibition of electron transport rate, have equivalent effects on the relationship between the rate of ATP synthesis and proton-motive force in submitochondrial particles 1-gen-1985 Sorgato, Mc; Lippe, Giovanna; SEREN S., AND FERGUSON SJ
Inhibition of rat liver hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase by sulfhydryl reagents 1-gen-1985 Lippe, Giovanna; Deana, R; Cavallini, L. AND GALZIGNA L.
Current-voltage relationship for proton flow through the F0 sector of ATP synthase, carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenilhydrazone or leak pathways in submitochondrial particles 1-gen-1985 Seren, S; Caporin, G; Galiazzo, F; Lippe, Giovanna; Ferguson, Sj; Sorgato, Mc
Effect of the oxidation of the dithiol groups of the F0 sector of mitochondrial ATPase 1-gen-1986 Lippe, Giovanna; DABBENI SALA, F; Sorgato, Mc
Type I diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance not only with regard to glucose, but also to lipid and aminoacid metabolism 1-gen-1986 Trevisan, R; Nosadini, R; Avogaro, A; Lippe, Giovanna; Duner, E; Fioretto, P; Deana, R; Tessari, A; Tiengo, A; Velussi, M; Cernigoi, A; DEL PRATO, S. AND CREPALDI G.
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric, adipic and 2-oxoglutaric acids measured by HPLC in the plasma from diabetic patients 1-gen-1987 Lippe, Giovanna; Trevisan, R; Nosadini, R; Fabris, R. AND DEANA R.
Proton flow through the intramembrane sector of the ATP synthase complex of bovine heart mitochondria 1-gen-1987 Lippe, Giovanna; Perardi, A; DABBENI SALA, F; Sorgato, M. C.
Kinetics of the release of the mitochondrial inhibitor protein. Correlation with synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP 1-gen-1988 Lippe, Giovanna; SORGATO MC AND HARRIS, D. A.
The binding and release of the inhibitor protein are governed independently by ATP and membrane potential in ox-heart submitochondrial particles 1-gen-1988 Lippe, Giovanna; Sorgato, Mc; Harris, Da
ATP synthase complex from beef heart mitochondria: role of dithiol groups in the coupling mechanism between F0 and F1 1-gen-1988 Lippe, Giovanna; DABBENI SALA, F; Sorgato, Mc
Oxygen radical-mediated damage on beef heart mitochondrial FoF1-ATPsynthase 1-gen-1990 Lippe, Giovanna; DABBENI SALA, F; Londero, D; Mavelli, Irene
Implication of the lipophilic and hydrophilic moieties in the peroxide-induced oxidation of bovine heart mitochondrial H+ATP synthase 1-gen-1991 Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; Londero, D; Dabbeni Sala, F; Mavelli, Irene
Requirement of loosely bound Fe++/Fe+++ for the oxidative inactivation of F1ATPase 1-gen-1991 Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; Londero, D; Dabbeni Sala, F; Mavelli, Irene
The inactivation of mitochondrial F1ATPase by H2O2 is mediated by iron ions not tightly bound in the protein 1-gen-1991 Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; Mazzilis, D; Sala, Fd; Mavelli, Irene
Structural and functional modifications induced by diamide on the F0 sector of the mammalian ATP synthase 1-gen-1991 DABBENI SALA, F; Lippe, Giovanna; Sorgato, Mc
Hydrogen peroxide.induced damage to F0 and F1 moieties from bovine heart ATPsynthase, 1-gen-1992 Lippe, Giovanna; Londero, D; Dabbeni Sala, Federica; Mavelli, Irene
EPR Studies of the Reaction of H2O2 with Iron-containing Heart Mitochndria F1 ATPase 1-gen-1992 Mavelli, Irene; Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; DABBENI SALA, F; Desideri, A; Polizio, F.
Iron-binding sites onmitochondrial F1ATPase. EPR detection of protein-derived radicals in the reaction of H2O2 with iron bound to the enzyme 1-gen-1993 Lippe, Giovanna; Polizio, F; di Pancrazio, F; Dabbeni Sala, F; Comelli, Marina; Mavelli, Irene
Characteristics of iron ion bionding sites in mitochondrial F1ATPase 1-gen-1993 Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Comelli, Marina; Dabbeni Sala, F; Polizio, F; Mavelli, Irene
H2O2-induced damage to beef heart mitochondria F0F1 ATP synthase complex: differential sensitivity of the F1 and F0 moieties 1-gen-1993 Lippe, Giovanna; Londero, D; Sala, Fd; Mavelli, Irene
EPR studied of mitochondrial F1 ATPase interacting with H2O2 1-gen-1993 Mavelli, Irene; Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; Desideri, A; Polizio, F.
Effect of neutral and acidic phospholipids on mitochondrial ATP synthase secondary structure 1-gen-1993 F., DABBENI SALA; A., Loregian; Lippe, Giovanna; E. BERTOLI AND F., Tanfani
Il legame di Fe+++ all'F1ATPasi di cuore bovino ed il suo ruolo nel danno da H2O2 1-gen-1994 Di Pancrazio, F; Lippe, Giovanna; Polizio, F; Comelli, Marina; Dabbeni Sala, F; Mavelli, Irene
The challenge by oxidant stress to mitochondrial ATP synthase in intact erythroleukemia cells is enhanced by heme 1-gen-1994 Comelli, Marina; Lippe, Giovanna; Mavelli, Irene
Il danno di H2O2 su F1ATPasi mitocondriale può essere mediato da Fe++ e da Fe+++ legati alla proteina 1-gen-1994 Lippe, Giovanna; Polizio, F; Di Pancrazio, F; Comelli, Marina; Dabbeni Sala, F; Mavelli, Irene
Different mechanisms of H2O2-dependent damage to mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase mediated by different intracellular iron chelates 1-gen-1994 Comelli, Marina; Lippe, Giovanna; Di Pancrazio, F; Mavelli, Irene
Differentiation potentiates oxidant injury to mitochondria by hydrogen peroxide in Friend erythroleukemia cells 1-gen-1994 Comelli, Marina; Lippe, Giovanna; Mavelli, Irene
Different Fe molecular species mediate selective H2O2-damage to different moieties of F0F1ATPsynthase in intact cells, isolated mitochondria or proteoliposomes 1-gen-1995 DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Comelli, Marina; Lippe, Giovanna; Mavelli, Irene
Different Fe molecular species mediate selective H2O2- damage to different moieties ofl F0F1ATPsynthase in intact cells, isolated mitochonria and proteoliposomes 1-gen-1995 Di Pancrazio, F; Comelli, Marina; Lippe, Giovanna; Mavelli, Irene
Influence of ADP, AMP-PNP and of depletion of nucleotides on the structural properties of F1ATPase: a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study 1-gen-1995 Lippe, Giovanna; F., DI PANCRAZIO; F., DABBENI SALA; E. BERTOLI AND F., Tanfani
Saturating ATP open up one of two Fe(III)-binding sites in F1ATPase and makes cooperative the Fe(III) binding 1-gen-1996 Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Polizio, F; Bortolotti, N; Mavelli, Irene
Characterization of the binding of Fe(III) to F1ATPase from bovine heart mitochondria 1-gen-1996 Lippe, Giovanna; F., Polizio; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; F., DABBENI SALA; N., Bortolotti; Mavelli, Irene
Down-regulation of the mitochondrial ATP synthase in Friend's erythroleukemia cells induced to differentiation 1-gen-1998 Lippe, Giovanna; Comelli, Marina; DI PANCRAZIO, F; Mavelli, Irene
Iron mediated H2O2 inactivation of F1ATPase: a comparative study of the enzymes from Mitochondria, Chloroplasts and Thermophylic Bacterium PS3 1-gen-1998 Lippe, Giovanna; Bortolotti, N; Contessi, Stefania; Mavelli, Irene; Bauerlein, E; Zimmermann, Jl; Sigalat, C; Dabbeni Sala, F.
Decrease of cytochrome c oxidase protein in heart mitochondria of copper-deficient rats 1-gen-1998 Rossi, L; Lippe, Giovanna; Marchese, E; DE MARINO, A; Mavelli, Irene; Rotilio, G; Ciriolo, M.
Redox properties of iron in the binding site(s) of F1ATPase from mammalian mitochondria and Thermophilic bacterium PS3: a comparative study 1-gen-1998 Lippe, Giovanna; Di Pancrazio, F.; Bortolotti, N.; Bauerlein, E.; Mavelli, Irene; Dabbeni Sala, F.
Effect of inhibitor binding to beta subunits of F1ATPase on enzyme thermostability: a kinetic and FT-IR spectroscopic analysis 1-gen-1998 Lippe, Giovanna; F., Tanfani; F., DI PANCRAZIO; S., Contessi; E. BERTOLI AND F., DABBENI SALA
EPR detection of protein-derived radicals in the reaction of H2O2 with Fe boud in mitochondrial F1ATPase 1-gen-1999 Polizio, F.; Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Desideri, A.; Mavelli, Irene
Peculiarity of Fe(III) binding to Thermophilic Bacterium PS3 F1ATPase with respect to isolated alpha and beta subunits and to alpha3beta3 hexamer 1-gen-2000 Contessi, Stefania; Bald, D; Bauerlein, E; Mavelli, Irene; Lippe, Giovanna; Dabbeni Sala, F.
In vivo modulation of F0F1ATPsynthase by inhibitor protein IF1 during coronary reactive hyperemia and ischemic preconditiong in goat heart 1-gen-2000 Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Comelli, Marina; Pagliaro, P; Gattullo, D; Rastaldo, R; Losano, G; Mavelli, Irene
Effects of Fe(III) binding to the nucleotide-independent site of F1ATPase: enzyme thermostability and response to activating anions 1-gen-2001 Contessi, Stefania; Tanfani, F.; Scirè, A.; Mavelli, Irene; Lippe, Giovanna
Fe(III) binding to the nucleotide-independent site located in beta subunit of mitochondrial F1ATPase affects protein structure and function 1-gen-2001 Mavelli, Irene; Contessi, Stefania; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Tanfani, F; Lippe, Giovanna
Fe(III) binding to Bacillus PS3 F1ATPase, alfa-beta subcomplexes and isolated alfa- and beta-subunits 1-gen-2001 Contessi, Stefania; Bald, D.; Bauerlein, E.; DABBENI SALA, F.; Mavelli, Irene; Lippe, Giovanna
Iron binding to additional sites of bacterial and mammalian F1ATPases: structure stabilisation vs. pro-oxidant side-effects 1-gen-2001 Mavelli, Irene; Contessi, Stefania; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Lippe, Giovanna
Modulation of mitochondrial F0F1ATPsynthase in different models of ischemia 1-gen-2001 Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Tomasetig, L; Mavelli, Irene
Dimerization state of F0F1ATPsynthase in bovine heart mitochondrial membrane 1-gen-2002 DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Tomasetig, Lara; Harris, Da; Lippe, Giovanna; Mavelli, Irene
In vivo changes in work rate of F0F1ATPsynthase during reactive hyperaemia and ischemic preconditioning in goat heart 1-gen-2002 Metelli, Giuliana; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Lippe, Giovanna; Pagliaro, P; Losano, G; Mavelli, Irene
Azione della proteina inibitrice IF1 su F0F1ATPsintasi nell'iperemia reattiva coronarica prima e dopo precondizionamento ischemico nella capra anestetizzata 1-gen-2002 Rastaldo, R; Losano, G; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Lippe, Giovanna; Pagliaro, P; Penna, C; Mancardi, D; Mavelli, Irene
Interaction of the inhibitor protein IF1 with F0F1ATPsynthase from ox heart under different pH and aggregation states 1-gen-2002 Lippe, Giovanna; DI PANCRAZIO, Francesca; Contessi, Stefania; Pierfederici, Fm; Metelli, Giuliana; Mavelli, Irene
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