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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Marcatori molecolari e miglioramento genetico (Molecular markers and breeding) 1-gen-2004 DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Moroldo, M; Morgante, Michele
Identification of wild species of sunflower by a specific plastid DNA sequence 1-gen-2006 Vischi, Massimo; Arzenton, F; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Paselli, S; Tomat, Erica; Olivieri, Angelo
Multilocus patterns of nucleotide diversity, linkage disequilibrium and demographic history of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] 1-gen-2006 Heuertz, M; DE PAOLI, E; Kallman, T; Larsson, H; Jurman, I; Morgante, M; Lascoux, M; Gyllenstrand, N
Transposable elements and the plant pan-genomes 1-gen-2007 Morgante, Michele; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Radovic, S.
Broccoli Fiolaro (Brassica oleracea), an endangered typical Italian cultivar. A genetic analysis by SSR markers 1-gen-2008 DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Fiori, M.; Guarda, M.; Olivieri, A. M.; Padovan, S.; Vischi, Massimo
Global identification of microRNA-target RNA pairs by parallel analysis of RNA ends 1-gen-2008 German, Ma; Pillay, M; Jeong, Dh; Hetawal, A; Luo, S; Janardhanan, P; Kannan, V; Rymarquis, La; Nobuta, K; German, R; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Lu, ; C., SCHROTH G; Meyers, Bc; Green, Pj
Distinct size distribution of endogenous siRNAs in maize: Evidence from deep sequencing in the mop1-1 mutant 1-gen-2008 Nobuta, K; Lu, C; Shrivastava, R; Pillay, M; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Accerbi, M; ARTEAGA VAZQUEZ, M; Sidorenko, L; Jeong, Dh; Yen, Y; Green, Pj; Chandler, Vl; Meyers, Bc
Distinct extremely abundant siRNAs associated with cosuppression in petunia 1-gen-2009 DE PAOLI, Emanuele; DORANTES ACOSTA, A; Zhai, Jx; Accerbi, M; Jeong, Dh; Park, S; Meyers, Bc; Jorgensen, Ra; Green, Pj
Detailed Analysis of a Contiguous 22-Mb Region of the Maize Genome 1-gen-2009 Wei, F. S.; Stein, J. C.; Liang, Cz; Zhang, Jw; Fulton, Rs; Baucom, Rs; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Zhou, Sg; Yang, Lx; Han, Yj; Pasternak, S; Narechania, A; Zhang, Lf; Yeh, Ct; Ying, K; Nagel, Dh; Collura, K; Kudrna, D; Currie, J; Lin, Jk; Kim, H; Angelova, A; Scara, G; Wissotski, M; Golser, W; Courtney, L; Kruchowski, S; Graves, Ta; Rock, Sm; Adams, S; Fulton, L. A.; Fronick, C; Courtney, W; Kramer, M; Spiegel, L; Nascimento, L; Kalyanaraman, A; Chaparro, C; Deragon, Jm; Miguel, Ps; Jiang, N; Wessler, Sr; Green, Pj; Yu, Y; Schwartz, Dc; Meyers, Bc; Bennetzen, Jl; Martienssen, Ra; Mccombie, Wr; Aluru, S; Clifton, Sw; Schnable, Ps; Ware, D; Wilson, Rk; Wing, Ra
Methods for Isolation of Total RNA to Recover miRNAs and Other Small RNAs from Diverse Species 1-gen-2010 Accerbi, A; Schmitd, S; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Park, S; Jeong, Dh; Green, Pj
Genomic Analysis of Small RNAs, Target RNAs, and RNA Decay 1-gen-2010 Green, Pj; Jeong, Dh; Rymarquis, L; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Zhai, Jx; German, M; Accerbi, M; Park, S; Thatcher, S; Brown, Rsh; Pillay, M; Mahalingam, G; Meyers, Bc
Genomic and small RNA sequencing of Miscanthus x giganteus shows the utility of sorghum as a reference genome sequence for Andropogoneae grasse 1-gen-2010 Swaminathan, K; Alabady, Ms; Varala, K; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Ho, I; Rokhsar, Ds; Arumuganathan, Ak; Ming, R; Green, Pj; Meyers, Bc; Moose, Sp; Hudson, Me
TOWARD THE CONIFER GENOME SEQUENCE 1-gen-2011 Morgante, Michele; DE PAOLI, Emanuele
Massive Analysis of Rice Small RNAs: Mechanistic Implications of Regulated MicroRNAs and Variants for Differential Target RNA Cleavage. 1-gen-2011 Jeong, Dh; Park, S; Zhai, J; Gurazada, Sg; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Meyers, Bc; Green, P. J.
MicroRNAs as master regulators of the plant NB-LRR defense gene family via the production of phased, trans-acting siRNAs 1-gen-2011 Zhai, Jx; Jeong, Dh; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Park, S; Rosen, Db; Li, Y; Gonzales, Ja; Yan, Z; Kitto, Ls; Grusak, Am; Jackson, As; Stacey, G.; Cook, Rd; Green, Jp; Sherrier, Dj; Meyers, Bc
ERNE-BS5: Aligning BS-treated sequences by multiple hits on a 5-letters alphabet 1-gen-2012 Prezza, Nicola; DEL FABBRO, Cristian; Francesco, Vezzi; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Policriti, Alberto
The tomato genome sequence provides insights into fleshy fruit evolution 1-gen-2012 Sato, S; Tabata, S; Hirakawa, H; Asamizu, E; Shirasawa, K; Isobe, S; Kaneko, T; Nakamura, Y; Shibata, D; Aoki, K; Egholm, M; Knight, J; Bogden, R; Li, Cb; Shuang, Y; Xu, X; Pan, Sk; Cheng, Sf; Liu, X; Ren, Yy; Wang, J; Albiero, A; Dal Pero, F; Todesco, S; Van Eck, J; Buels, Rm; Bombarely, A; Gosselin, Jr; Huang, My; Leto, Ja; Menda, N; Strickler, S; Mao, Ly; Gao, S; Tecle, Iy; York, T; Zheng, Y; Vrebalov, Jt; Lee, J; Zhong, Sl; Mueller, La; Stiekema, Wj; Ribeca, P; Alioto, T; Yang, Wc; Huang, Sw; Du, Yc; Zhang, Zh; Gao, Jc; Guo, Ym; Wang, Xx; Li, Y; He, J; Li, Cy; Cheng, Zk; Zuo, Jr; Ren, Jf; Zhao, Jh; Yan, Lh; Jiang, Hl; Wang, B; Li, Hs; Li, Zj; Fu, Fy; Chen, Bt; Han, B; Feng, Q; Fan, Dl; Wang, Y; Ling, Hq; Xue, Yba; Ware, D; Mccombie, Wr; Lippman, Zb; Chia, Jm; Jiang, K; Pasternak, S; Gelley, L; Kramer, M; Anderson, Lk; Chang, Sb; Royer, Sm; Shearer, La; Stack, Sm; Rose, Jkc; Xu, Ym; Eannetta, N; Matas, Aj; Mcquinn, R; Tanksley, Sd; Camara, F; Guigo, R; Rombauts, S; Fawcett, J; Van de Peer, Y; Zamir, D; Liang, Cb; Spannagl, M; Gundlach, H; Bruggmann, R; Mayer, K; Jia, Zq; Zhang, Jh; Ye, Zba; Bishop, Gj; Butcher, S; Lopez-Cobollo, R; Buchan, D; Filippis, I; Abbott, J; Dixit, R; Singh, M; Singh, A; Pal, Jk; Pandit, A; Singh, Pk; Mahato, Ak; Dogra, V; Gaikwad, K; Sharma, Tr; Mohapatra, T; Singh, Nk; Causse, M; Rothan, C; Schiex, T; Noirot, C; Bellec, A; Klopp, C; Delalande, C; Berges, H; Mariette, J; Frasse, P; Vautrin, S; Zouine, M; Latche, A; Rousseau, C; Regad, F; Pech, Jc; Philippot, M; Bouzayen, M; Pericard, P; Osorio, S; del Carmen, Af; Monforte, A; Granell, A; Fernandez-Munoz, R; Conte, M; Lichtenstein, G; Carrari, F; De Bellis, G; Fuligni, F; Peano, C; Grandillo, S; Termolino, P; Pietrella, M; Fantini, E; Falcone, G; Fiore, A; Giuliano, G; Lopez, L; Facella, P; Perrotta, G; Daddiego, L; Bryan, G; Orozco, M; Pastor, X; Torrents, D; van Schriek, Knvmgm; Feron, Rmc; van Oeveren, J; de Heer, P; Daponte, L; Jacobs-Oomen, S; Cariaso, M; Prins, M; van Eijk, Mjt; Janssen, A; van Haaren, Mjj; Jo, Sh; Kim, J; Kwon, Sy; Kim, S; Koo, Dh; Lee, S; Hur, Cg; Clouser, C; Rico, A; Hallab, A; Gebhardt, C; Klee, K; Jocker, A; Warfsmann, J; Gobel, U; Kawamura, S; Yano, K; Sherman, Jd; Fukuoka, H; Negoro, S; Bhutty, S; Chowdhury, P; Chattopadhyay, D; Datema, E; Smit, S; Schijlen, Ewm; van de Belt, J; van Haarst, Jc; Peters, Sa; van Staveren, Mj; Henkens, Mhc; Mooyman, Pjw; Hesselink, T; van Ham, Rchj; Jiang, Gy; Droege, M; Choi, D; Kang, Bc; Kim, Bd; Park, M; Kim, S; Yeom, Si; Lee, Yh; Choi, Yd; Li, Gc; Gao, Jw; Liu, Ys; Huang, Sx; Fernandez-Pedrosa, V; Collado, C; Zuniga, S; Wang, Gp; Cade, R; Dietrich, Ra; Rogers, J; Knapp, S; Fei, Zj; White, Ra; Thannhauser, Tw; Giovannoni, Jj; Botella, Ma; Gilbert, L; Gonzalez, R; Goicoechea, Jl; Yu, Y; Kudrna, D; Collura, K; Wissotski, M; Wing, R; Schoof, H; Meyers, Bc; Gurazada, Ab; Green, Pj; Mathur, S; Vyas, S; Solanke, Au; Kumar, R; Gupta, V; Sharma, Ak; Khurana, P; Khurana, Jp; Tyagi, Ak; Dalmay, T; Mohorianu, I; Walts, B; Chamala, S; Barbazuk, Wb; Li, Jp; Guo, H; Lee, Th; Wang, Yp; Zhang, D; Paterson, Ah; Wang, Xy; Tang, Hb; Barone, A; Chiusano, Ml; Ercolano, Mr; D'Agostino, N; Di Filippo, M; Traini, A; Sanseverino, W; Frusciante, L; Seymour, Gb; Elharam, M; Fu, Y; Hua, A; Kenton, S; Lewis, J; Lin, Sp; Najar, F; Lai, Hs; Qin, Bf; Qu, Cm; Shi, Rh; White, D; White, J; Xing, Yb; Yang, Kq; Yi, J; Yao, Zy; Zhou, Lp; Roe, Ba; Vezzi, A; D'Angelo, M; Zimbello, R; Schiavon, R; Caniato, E; Rigobello, C; Campagna, D; Vitulo, N; Valle, G; Nelson, Dr; De Paoli, E; Szinay, D; de Jong, Hh; Bai, Yl; Visser, Rgf; Lankhorst, Rmk; Beasley, H; Mclaren, K; Nicholson, C; Riddle, C; Gianese, G .
The Hypomethylated Partial Restriction (HMPR) method reduces the repetitive content of genomic libraries in Norway spruce (Picea abies) 1-gen-2013 Larsson, H; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele; Lascoux, M; Gyllenstrand, N.
The Amborella genome and the evolution of flowering plants. 1-gen-2013 Albert, Va; Barbazuk, Wb; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Leebens Mack, J; Ma, H; Palmer, Jd; Rounsley, S; Sankoff, D; Schuster, Sc; Soltis, De; Soltis, Ps; Wessler, Sr; Wing, Ra; Albert, Va; Ammiraju, Js; Barbazuk, Wb; Chamala, S; Chanderbali, As; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Determann, R; Leebens Mack, J; Ma, H; Ralph, P; Rounsley, S; Schuster, Sc; Soltis, De; Soltis, Ps; Talag, J; Tomsho, L; Walts, B; Wanke, S; Wing, Ra; Albert, Va; Barbazuk, Wb; Chamala, S; Chanderbali, As; Chang, Th; Determann, R; Lan, T; Soltis, De; Soltis, Ps; Arikit, S; Axtell, Mj; Ayyampalayam, S; Barbazuk, Wb; Burnette JM, 3rd; Chamala, S; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Estill, Jc; Farrell, Np; Harkess, A; Jiao, Y; Leebens Mack, J; Liu, K; Mei, W; Meyers, Bc; Shahid, S; Wafula, E; Walts, B; Wessler, Sr; Zhai, J; Zhang, X; Albert, Va; Carretero Paulet, L; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Jiao, Y; Leebens Mack, J; Lyons, E; Sankoff, D; Tang, H; Wafula, E; Zheng, C; Albert, Va; Altman, Ns; Barbazuk, Wb; Carretero Paulet, L; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Estill, Jc; Jiao, Y; Leebens Mack, J; Liu, K; Mei, W; Wafula, E; Altman, Ns; Arikit, S; Axtell, Mj; Chamala, S; Chanderbali, As; Chen, F; Chen, Jq; Chiang, V; De Paoli, E; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Determann, R; Fogliani, B; Guo, C; Harholt, J; Harkess, A; Job, C; Job, D; Kim, S; Kong, H; Leebens Mack, J; Li, G; Li, L; Liu, J; Ma, H; Meyers, Bc; Park, J; Qi, X; Rajjou, L; Burtet Sarramegna, V; Sederoff, R; Shahid, S; Soltis, De; Soltis, Ps; Sun, Yh; Ulvskov, P; Villegente, M; Xue, Jy; Yeh, Tf; Yu, X; Zhai, J; Acosta, Jj; Albert, Va; Barbazuk, Wb; Bruenn, Ra; Chamala, S; de Kochko, A; Depamphilis, Cw; Der, Jp; Herrera Estrella, Lr; Ibarra Laclette, E; Kirst, M; Leebens Mack, J; Pissis, Sp; Poncet, V; Schuster, Sc; Soltis, De; Soltis, Ps; Tomsho, L.
Sample sequencing of vascular plants demonstrates widespread conservation and divergence of microRNAs. 1-gen-2014 Montes, Ra; de Fátima Rosas Cárdenas, F; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Accerbi, M; Rymarquis, La; Mahalingam, G; Marsch Martínez, N; Meyers, Bc; Green, Pj; de Folter, S.
Memoria transgenerazionale nella risposta alla carenza di azoto in piante di Arabidopsis. 1-gen-2015 Massaro, Monica; Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele; Pinton, Roberto
The Ty1-copia LTR retroelement family PARTC is highly conserved in conifers over 200MY of evolution 1-gen-2015 Zuccolo, Andrea; Scofield, Douglas G.; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele
TRANSGENERATIONAL RESPONSES TO NITROGEN DEPRIVATION IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA 1-gen-2016 Massaro, Monica; Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele; Pinton, Roberto
Transgenerational responses to nitrogen depriva-tion in Arabidopsis thaliana 1-gen-2016 Massaro, Monica; Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele; Pinton, Roberto
The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea 1-gen-2016 Olsen, Jeanine L.; Rouzé, Pierre; Verhelst, Bram; Lin, Yao Cheng; Bayer, Till; Collen, Jonas; Dattolo, Emanuela; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Dittami, Simon; Maumus, Florian; Michel, Gurvan; Kersting, Anna; Lauritano, Chiara; Lohaus, Rolf; Töpel, Mats; Tonon, Thierry; Vanneste, Kevin; Amirebrahimi, Mojgan; Brakel, Janina; Boström, Christoffer; Chovatia, Mansi; Grimwood, Jane; Jenkins, Jerry W.; Jueterbock, Alexander; Mraz, Amy; Stam, Wytze T.; Tice, Hope; Bornberg Bauer, Erich; Green, Pamela J.; Pearson, Gareth A.; Procaccini, Gabriele; Duarte, Carlos M.; Schmutz, Jeremy; Reusch, Thorsten B. H.; Van De Peer, Yves
Risposta transgenerazionale alla carenza di azoto in piante di Arabidopsis 1-gen-2016 Massaro, Monica; Zanin, Laura; Tomasi, Nicola; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Morgante, Michele; Pinton, Roberto
New resources for genetic studies in Populus nigra: genome-wide SNP discovery and development of a 12k Infinium array 1-gen-2016 Faivre Rampant, P; Zaina, G.; Jorge, V.; Giacomello, S.; Segura, V.; Scalabrin, S.; Guérin, V.; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Aluome, C.; Viger, M.; Cattonaro, F.; Payne, A.; Paulstephenraj, P.; Le Paslier, M. C.; Berard, A.; Allwright, M. R.; Villar, M.; Taylor, G.; Bastien, C.; Morgante, Michele
Signs of Silence: Small RNAs and Antifungal Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays 1-gen-2017 Balmer, Andrea; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Si‐ammour, Azeddine; Mauch‐mani, Brigitte; Balmer, Dirk
Grapevine field experiments reveal the contribution of genotype, the influence of environment and the effect of their interaction (GxE) on berry transcriptome 1-gen-2018 Dal Santo, Silvia; Zenoni, Sara; Sandri, Marco; De Lorenzis, Gabriella; Magris, Gabriele; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; DI GASPERO, Gabriele; DEL FABBRO, Cristian; Morgante, Michele; Brancadoro, Lucio; Grossi, Daniele; Fasoli, Marianna; Zuccolotto, Paola; Battista Tornielli, Giovanni; Pezzotti, Mario
Haemolymph removal by Varroa mite destabilizes the dynamical interaction between immune effectors and virus in bees, as predicted by Volterra's model 1-gen-2019 Annoscia, Desiderato; Brown, Sam P.; Di Prisco, Gennaro; De Paoli, Emanuele; Del Fabbro, Simone; Frizzera, Davide; Zanni, Virginia; Galbraith, David A.; Caprio, Emilio; Grozinger, Christina M.; Pennacchio, Francesco; Nazzi, Francesco
Transgenerational Response to Nitrogen Deprivation in Arabidopsis thaliana 1-gen-2019 Massaro, Monica; De Paoli, Emanuele; Tomasi, Nicola; Morgante, Michele; Pinton, Roberto; Zanin, Laura
Agroinoculation of Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus in tobacco and grapevine provides insights on viral pathogenesis 1-gen-2019 Tarquini, Giulia; Zaina, Giusi; Ermacora, Paolo; De Amicis, Francesca; FRANCO OROZCO, Barbara; Loi, Nazia; Martini, Marta; Luca Bianchi, Gian; Pagliari, Laura; Firrao, Giuseppe; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Musetti, Rita
Genetic, epigenetic and genomic effects on variation of gene expression among grape varieties 1-gen-2019 Magris, Gabriele; Di Gaspero, Gabriele; Marroni, Fabio; Zenoni, Sara; Tornielli, Giovanni Battista; Celii, Mirko; De Paoli, Emanuele; Pezzotti, Mario; Conte, Federica; Paci, Paola; Morgante, Michele
Stress responses and epigenomic instability mark the loss of somatic embryogenesis competence in grapevine 1-gen-2021 Dal Santo, Silvia; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Pagliarani, Chiara; Amato, Alessandra; Celii, Mirko; Boccacci, Paolo; Zenoni, Sara; Gambino, Giorgio; Perrone, Irene
Targeted mutagenesis of the female-suppressor sygi gene in tetraploid kiwifruit by crispr/cas9 1-gen-2021 De Mori, G.; Zaina, G.; Franco-Orozco, B.; Testolin, R.; De Paoli, E.; Cipriani, G.
Open chromatin in grapevine marks candidate CREs and with other chromatin features correlates with gene expression 1-gen-2021 Schwope, R.; Magris, G.; Miculan, M.; Paparelli, E.; Celii, M.; Tocci, A.; Marroni, F.; Fornasiero, A.; De Paoli, E.; Morgante, M.
Caratterizzazione morfo fenotipica e molecolare della cipolla di Cavasso e della Val Cosa 1-gen-2022 Stefani, Francesco; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Chiabà, Cristina; Miceli, Fabiano; DALLA COSTA, Luisa
Draft Genome Sequences of Eight Bacilli Isolated from an Ancient Roman Amphora 1-gen-2022 Colautti, A.; Comi, G.; De Paoli, E.; Peterlunger, E.; Novello, M.; Braidotti, E.; Pasini, D.; Iacumin, L.
Genomic designing for biotic stress resistant grapevine 1-gen-2022 Vezzulli, S.; Gramaje, D.; Tello, J.; Gambino, G.; Bettinelli, P.; Pirrello, C.; Schwandner, A.; Barba, P.; Angelini, E.; Anfora, G.; Mazzoni, V.; Pozzebon, A.; Palomares-Rius, J. E.; Martinez-Diz, M. P.; Toffolatti, S. L.; De Lorenzis, G.; De Paoli, E.; Perrone, I.; D'Inca, E.; Zenoni, S.; Wilmink, J.; Lacombe, T.; Crespan, M.; Walker, M. A.; Bavaresco, L.; De la Fuente, M.; Fennell, A.; Tornielli, G. B.; Forneck, A.; Ibanez, J.; Hausmann, L.; Reisch, B. I.
Transcriptome and methylome dynamics during bud dormancy and deacclimation in grapevine 1-gen-2023 DE ROSA, Valeria; Bunello, Fiamma; Falchi, Rachele; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Vizzotto, Giannina
High genomic diversity and poor geographical stratification of Legionella pneumophila in a local area 1-gen-2023 Colautti, Andrea; DE PAOLI, Emanuele; Civilini, Marcello; Comi, Giuseppe; Iacumin, Lucilla
Boosting grapevine breeding for climate-smart viticulture: from genetic resources to predictive genomics 1-gen-2023 Magon, G.; De Rosa, V.; Martina, M.; Falchi, R.; Acquadro, A.; Barcaccia, G.; Portis, E.; Vannozzi, A.; De Paoli, E.
Self-DNA Early Exposure in Cultivated and Weedy Setaria Triggers ROS Degradation Signaling Pathways and Root Growth Inhibition 1-gen-2023 Ronchi, A.; Foscari, A.; Zaina, G.; De Paoli, E.; Incerti, G.
Revitalizing agriculture: next-generation genotyping and -omics technologies enabling molecular prediction of resilient traits in the Solanaceae family 1-gen-2024 Martina, M.; De Rosa, V.; Magon, G.; Acquadro, A.; Barchi, L.; Barcaccia, G.; De Paoli, E.; Vannozzi, A.; Portis, E.
Draft genome sequences from 127 Legionella spp. strains isolated in water systems linked to legionellosis outbreaks 1-gen-2024 Colautti, A.; Civilini, M.; Franchi, M.; Felice, A.; De Martin, S.; De Paoli, E.; Vidotto, M.; Iacumin, L.
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