OSTI, Leonardo
OSTI, Leonardo
A new cervical orthosis with multiplanar adjustment.
1997-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Campailla, E; Bocchi, L.
A simple modified arthroscopic procedure for fixation of displaced tibial eminence fractures.
2000-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Merlo, F; Liu, Sh; Bocchi, L.
Arthroscopic treatment of anterolateral ankle impingement.
1994-01-01 Liu, Sh; Raskin, A; Osti, Leonardo; Baker, C; Jacobson, K; Finerman, G; Baber, C. corrected to Baker C.
Arthroscopic vs mini-open rotator cuff repair. A quality of life impairment study.
2010-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Paganelli, M; Denaro, E; Maffulli, N.
Biomechanics of two types of bone-tendon-bone graft for ACL reconstruction.
1995-01-01 Liu, Sh; Kabo, Jm; Osti, Leonardo
Comparison of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair in healthy patients over and under 65 years of age.
2010-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Del Buono, A; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Glenohumeral arthropathy following stabilization for recurrent instability.
2010-01-01 Papalia, R; Osti, Leonardo; Del Buono, A; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Good results five years after surgical management of anterior cruciate ligament tears, and meniscal and cartilage injuries.
2010-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Del Buono, A; Amato, C; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Management of combined ACL-MCL tears: a systematic review
2010-01-01 Papalia, R; Osti, Leonardo; Del Buono, A; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Nrf2-mediated cytoprotective effect of four different hyaluronic acids by molecular weight in human tenocytes
2020-01-01 Gallorini, M.; Berardi, A. C.; Gissi, C.; Cataldi, A.; Osti, L.
RC-QOL score for rotator cuff pathology: adaptation to Italian.
2010-01-01 Papalia, R; Osti, Leonardo; Leonardi, F; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Recurrence of synovial chondromatosis of the Hoffa's body.
2009-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Del Buono, A; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Simultaneous surgical management of chronic grade-2 valgus instability of the knee and anterior cruciate ligament deficiency in athletes.
2010-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Del Buono, A; Merlo, F; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.
Stress radiography for osteoarthritis of the knee: a new technique.
2010-01-01 Eriksson, K; Sadr Azodi, O; Singh, C; Osti, Leonardo; Bartlett, J.
The diagnosis of acute complete tears of the anterior cruciate ligament. Comparison of MRI, arthrometry and clinical examination.
1995-01-01 Liu, Sh; Osti, Leonardo; Henry, M; Bocchi, L.
The kneeling view: evaluation of the forces involved and side-to-side difference.
2009-01-01 Osti, Leonardo; Papalia, R; Rinaldi, P; Denaro, V; Bartlett, J; Maffulli, N.
Tibial inlay for posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review.
2010-01-01 Papalia, R; Osti, Leonardo; Del Buono, A; Denaro, V; Maffulli, N.