A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment
2019-01-01 Cerqueti, R.; Giacalone, M.; Panarello, D.
A Generalized Error Distribution-Based Method for Conditional Value-at-Risk Evaluation
2018-01-01 Cerqueti, Roy; Giacalone, Massimiliano; Panarello, Demetrio
Assessing the role of perceived values and felt responsibility on pro-environmental behaviours: A comparison across four EU countries
2019-01-01 Punzo, G.; Panarello, D.; Pagliuca, M. M.; Castellano, R.; Aprile, M. C.
DNA test to assess criminal responsibility: a Bayesian approach
2018-01-01 Giacalone, M.; Giannuzzi, M. R.; Panarello, D.
Economic insecurity, conservatism, and the crisis of environmentalism: 30 years of evidence
2020-01-01 Panarello, D.
Education and migration: the mobility dynamics of Italian graduates
2019-01-01 Giacalone, Massimiliano; Mattera, Raffaele; Panarello, Demetrio
Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on university students’ anxiety disorder in Italy
2021-01-01 Busetta, G.; Campolo, M. G.; Fiorillo, F.; Pagani, L.; Panarello, D.; Augello, V.
Fa più paura il virus o restare isolati? Effetti del COVID-19 sugli studenti di tre università italiane
2022-01-01 Busetta, G.; Campolo, M. G.; Fiorillo, F.; Pagani, L.; Panarello, D.; Augello, V.
Immigrants and Italian labor market: statistical or taste-based discrimination?
2018-01-01 Busetta, G.; Campolo, M. G.; Panarello, D.
Letalità del COVID-19 nelle regioni italiane: sottostima dei casi positivi o carenza di strutture?
2020-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Panarello, Demetrio
Multicollinearity in regression: an efficiency comparison between Lp-norm and least squares estimators
2018-01-01 Giacalone, M.; Panarello, D.; Mattera, R.
The Discrimination Decomposition Index: a new instrument to separate statistical and taste-based discrimination using first- and second-generation immigrants
2020-01-01 Busetta, Giovanni; Campolo, Maria Gabriella; Panarello, Demetrio
Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity
2020-01-01 Busetta, G.; Campolo, M. G.; Panarello, D.