A European fund for economic revival in crisis countries
2011-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
An action plan for the European leaders
2011-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta; Pisani Ferry, J; Wolff, G.
An assessment of the European Semester
2012-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta; Hallerberg, M; Wolff, G.
Are Inflation Differentials in the Euroarea a Challenge to EMU Governance? Some preliminary evidence on the political sustainability of divergences in EMU
2007-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Beyond monetary credibility: The impact of globalisation on the output-inflation trade-off in euro-area countries
2009-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Bringing Domestic Pressures Back Into the Budget: Germany's Stability Pact and the new incentive structure in EMU
2008-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Co-movements between public and private wages in the EU: what factors and with what policy implications?
2017-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta; Turrini, Alessandro
Current account imbalances, household consumption and debt in the Euro Area: a tale of two financial liberalizations
2018-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Current Account Imbalances: The Role of Competitiveness and of Financial Sector Dynamics
2011-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Economic Governance and Varieties of Capitalism
2011-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Economic Governance and Varieties of Capitalism
2015-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Embedded Macroeconomic Institutions: Italy's Fiscal U-Turn in the 1990s and Beyond
2015-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Employment protection and firm-level job reallocation: adjusting for coverage
2019-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Euro Area Current Account Imbalances: A Tale of Two Financial Liberalizations
2020-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Euro area macroeconomic imbalances and their asymmetric reversal: the link between financial integration and income inequality
2017-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Explaining the evolving role of national parliaments under the European Semester
2017-01-01 Hallerberg, M.; Marzinotto, Benedicta; Wolff, G. B.
Exploiting Europe’s Strong Potential: Governance, Institutions and Policies
2008-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta; Subacchi, P; Rossi, V.
Firm growth in Europe: an overview based on the CompNet labour module
2017-01-01 Fernández, Cristina; García, Roberto; Lopez Garcia, Paloma; Marzinotto, Benedicta; Serafini, Roberta; Vanhala, Juuso Wint
Fiscal Performance in Italy: a historical institutionalist approach
2015-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta
Fiscal rules: timing is everything
2012-01-01 Marzinotto, Benedicta; Sapir, A.