DCFA - DIPARTIMENTO DI CHIMICA, FISICA E AMBIENTE (attivo dal 01/01/2011 al 31/12/2015)
12th International Conference APLIMAT 2013
2014-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
A research based e-learning process for teacher formation on quantum mechanic
2013-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Fera, Giuseppe; Pugliese, Emanuele; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
Building Formal Thinking with Pupils on Magnetic Phenomena in Conceptual Laboratories
2013-01-01 Challapalli, Sri R. C. Prasad; Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
Building vertical paths in exploring magnetic phenomena developing formal thinking
2014-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
Community of prospective primary teachers facing the relative motion and PCK analysis
2011-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
Electromagnetic Induction: a vertical path for conceptual learning
2012-07-10 Vercellati, Stefano
I laboratori del Progetto IDIFO3 a Udine ed il laboratorio sull’energia
2014-01-01 Michelini, M; Mossenta, A; Santi, L; Stefanel, A; Vercellati, S
I laboratori PLS del Progetto IDIFO3 a Udine ed il laboratorio sull’energia
2014-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Mossenta, Alessandra; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
Informal learning in CLOE Labs to build the basic conceptual knowledge of magnetic phenomena
2014-01-01 Challapalli, S. R. C. P; Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
Inquiring 5 years old pupils on MST curricula
2014-01-01 Vercellati, Stefano; Michelini, Marisa; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni
Investigating MST curriculum experienced by eleven years old polish and italian pupils
2014-01-01 Vercellati, Stefano; Michelini, Marisa; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Sokolowska, Dagmara; Brzezinka, Grzegorz
L'uso dei Clicker per il personale coinvolgimento degli studenti di scienze della formazione nellâ apprendimento della fisica
2012-01-01 Challapalli, Sri R. C. Prasad; Fera, Giuseppe; Michelini, Marisa; Mossenta, Alessandra; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni; Pugliese, Emanule; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
La LIM per favorire l’apprendimento: proposte di attività per futuri insegnanti primari sui fenomeni elettrostatici e magnetici,
2012-01-01 Challapalli, S. R. C. P; Michelini, Marisa; Mossenta, Alessandra; Stefanel, Alberto; Vercellati, Stefano
Magnetic field nature and magnetic flux changes in building formal thinking at secondary school level
2014-01-01 Vercellati, Stefano; Michelini, Marisa
Metaphors and analogies proposed by perspective primary teachers to support the exploration of magnetic phenomena
2019-01-01 Bozzo, G.; Daffara, C.; Michelini, M.; Monti, F.; Vercellati, S.
Pupils’ discussion to understand magnetic interactions
2014-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
Reasoning and models of talented students on electrical transport in solids,
2014-01-01 Fera, Giuseppe; Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
The IWB as a bridge between phenomea exploration and interpretation of electromagnetic phenomena in construction of formal thinking
2014-01-01 Michelini, Marisa; Vercellati, Stefano
The IWB for the construction of formal thinking: proposals for prospective primary teachers concerning motion, electrical and magnetic phenomena
2014-01-01 Vercellati, Stefano; Fera, Giuseppe; Michelini, Marisa; Challapalli, S. R. C. P.; Mossenta, Alessandra; Stefanel, Alberto
The use of computers and multimedia in the italian kindergarten, primary, and lower secondary schools in results by EU project SECURE research on the use of computer in italian compulsory schools
2014-01-01 Vercellati, Stefano; Michelini, Marisa; Santi, Lorenzo Gianni