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Blazars are variable emitters across all wavelengths over a wide range of timescales, from months down to minutes. It is therefore essential to observe blazars simultaneously at different wavelengths, especially in the X-ray and gamma-ray bands, where the broadband spectral energy distributions usually peak. In this work, we report on three "target-of-opportunity" observations of Mrk 421, one of the brightest TeV blazars, triggered by a strong flaring event at TeV energies in 2014. These observations feature long, continuous, and simultaneous exposures with XMM-Newton (covering the X-ray and optical/ultraviolet bands) and VERITAS (covering the TeV gamma-ray band), along with contemporaneous observations from other gamma-ray facilities (MAGIC and Fermi-Large Area Telescope) and a number of radio and optical facilities. Although neither rapid flares nor significant X-ray/TeV correlation are detected, these observations reveal subtle changes in the X-ray spectrum of the source over the course of a few days. We search the simultaneous X-ray and TeV data for spectral hysteresis patterns and time delays, which could provide insight into the emission mechanisms and the source properties (e.g., the radius of the emitting region, the strength of the magnetic field, and related timescales). The observed broadband spectra are consistent with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. We find that the power spectral density distribution at 4 �10-4 Hz from the X-ray data can be described by a power-law model with an index value between 1.2 and 1.8, and do not find evidence for a steepening of the power spectral index (often associated with a characteristic length scale) compared to the previously reported values at lower frequencies. � 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Abeysekara, A. U.;Archambault, S.;Archer, A.;Benbow, W.;Bird, R.;Buchovecky, M.;Buckley, J. H.;Bugaev, V.;Cardenzana, J. V.;Cerruti, M.;Chen, X.;Ciupik, L.;Connolly, M. P.;Cui, W.;Eisch, J. D.;Falcone, A.;Feng, Q.;Finley, J. P.;Fleischhack, H.;Flinders, A.;Fortson, L.;Furniss, A.;Griffin, S.;Hakansson, M. H. N.;Hanna, D.;Hervet, O.;Holder, J.;Humensky, T. B.;Kaaret, P.;Kar, P.;Kertzman, M.;Kieda, D.;Krause, M.;Kumar, S.;Lang, M. J.;Maier, G.;McArthur, S.;McCann, A.;Meagher, K.;Moriarty, P.;Mukherjee, R.;Nieto, D.;Ong, S. O. R. A.;Otte, A. N.;Park, N.;Pelassa, V.;Pohl, M.;Popkow, A.;Pueschel, E.;Ragan, K.;Reynolds, P. T.;Richards, G. T.;Roache, E.;Sadeh, I.;Santander, M.;Sembroski, G. H.;Shahinyan, K.;Staszak, D.;Telezhinsky, I.;Tucci, J. V.;Tyler, J.;Wakely, S. P.;Weinstein, A.;Wilhelm, A.;Williams, D. A.;Ahnen, M. L.;Ansoldi, S.;Antonelli, L. A.;Antoranz, P.;Arcaro, C.;Babic, A.;Banerjee, B.;Bangale, P.;Almeida, U. Barres De;Barrio, J. A.;González, J. Becerra;Bednarek, W.;Bernardini, E.;Berti, A.;Biasuzzi, B.;Biland, A.;Blanch, O.;Bonnefoy, S.;Bonnoli, G.;Borracci, F.;Bretz, T.;Carosi, R.;Carosi, A.;Chatterjee, A.;Colin, P.;Colombo, E.;Contreras, J. L.;Cortina, J.;Covino, S.;Cumani, P.;Da Vela, P.;Dazzi, F.;De Angelis, A.;De Lotto, B.;De Ona Wilhelmi, E.;Di Pierro, F.;Doert, M.;Domínguez, A.;Prester, D. Dominis;Dorner, D.;Doro, M.;Einecke, S.;Glawion, D. Eisenacher;Elsaesser, D.;Engelkemeier, M.;Ramazani, V. Fallah;Fernández-Barral, A.;Fidalgo, D.;Fonseca, M. V.;Font, L.;Fruck, C.;Galindo, D.;López, R. J. García;Garczarczyk, M.;Gaug, M.;Giammaria, P.;Godinović, N.;Gora, D.;Guberman, D.;Hadasch, D.;Hahn, A.;Hassan, T.;Hayashida, M.;Herrera, J.;Hose, J.;Hrupec, D.;Hughes, G.;Idec, W.;Kodani, K.;Konno, Y.;Kubo, H.;Kushida, J.;Lelas, D.;Lindfors, E.;Lombardi, S.;Longo, F.;López, M.;López-Coto, R.;Majumdar, P.;Makariev, M.;Mallot, K.;Maneva, G.;Manganaro, M.;Mannheim, K.;Maraschi, L.;Marcote, B.;Mariotti, M.;Martínez, M.;Mazin, D.;Menzel, U.;Mirzoyan, R.;Moralejo, A.;Moretti, E.;Nakajima, D.;Neustroev, V.;Niedzwiecki, A.;Rosillo, M. Nievas;Nilsson, K.;Nishijima, K.;Noda, K.;Nogués, L.;Nöthe, M.;Paiano, S.;Palacio, J.;Palatiello, M.;Paneque, D.;Paoletti, R.;Paredes, J. M.;Paredes-Fortuny, X.;Pedaletti, G.;Peresano, M.;Perri, L.;Persic, M.;Poutanen, J.;Moroni, P. G. Prada;Prandini, E.;Puljak, I.;Garcia, J. R.;Reichardt, I.;Rhode, W.;Ribó, M.;Rico, J.;Saito, T.;Satalecka, K.;Schroeder, S.;Schweizer, T.;Shore, S. N.;Sillanp, A.;Sitarek, J.;Snidaric, I.;Sobczynska, D.;Stamerra, A.;Strzys, M.;Surić, T.;Takalo, L.;Tavecchio, F.;Temnikov, P.;Terzić, T.;Tescaro, D.;Teshima, M.;Torres, D. F.;Torres-Albà, N.;Toyama, T.;Treves, A.;Vanzo, G.;Acosta, M. Vazquez;Vovk, I.;Ward, J. E.;Will, M.;Wu, M. H.;Zanin, R.;Hovatta, T.;De La Calle Perez, I.;Smith, P. S.;Racero, E.;Baloković, M.
Blazars are variable emitters across all wavelengths over a wide range of timescales, from months down to minutes. It is therefore essential to observe blazars simultaneously at different wavelengths, especially in the X-ray and gamma-ray bands, where the broadband spectral energy distributions usually peak. In this work, we report on three "target-of-opportunity" observations of Mrk 421, one of the brightest TeV blazars, triggered by a strong flaring event at TeV energies in 2014. These observations feature long, continuous, and simultaneous exposures with XMM-Newton (covering the X-ray and optical/ultraviolet bands) and VERITAS (covering the TeV gamma-ray band), along with contemporaneous observations from other gamma-ray facilities (MAGIC and Fermi-Large Area Telescope) and a number of radio and optical facilities. Although neither rapid flares nor significant X-ray/TeV correlation are detected, these observations reveal subtle changes in the X-ray spectrum of the source over the course of a few days. We search the simultaneous X-ray and TeV data for spectral hysteresis patterns and time delays, which could provide insight into the emission mechanisms and the source properties (e.g., the radius of the emitting region, the strength of the magnetic field, and related timescales). The observed broadband spectra are consistent with a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton model. We find that the power spectral density distribution at 4 �10-4 Hz from the X-ray data can be described by a power-law model with an index value between 1.2 and 1.8, and do not find evidence for a steepening of the power spectral index (often associated with a characteristic length scale) compared to the previously reported values at lower frequencies. � 2016. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.