MARCHINI, Maurizio
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.572
EU - Europa 2.850
AS - Asia 996
AF - Africa 21
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 7
Totale 10.454
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.487
UA - Ucraina 1.011
CN - Cina 419
SG - Singapore 409
DE - Germania 388
FI - Finlandia 342
IT - Italia 321
RU - Federazione Russa 248
SE - Svezia 223
IE - Irlanda 165
CA - Canada 83
GB - Regno Unito 71
TR - Turchia 70
FR - Francia 28
IR - Iran 27
BE - Belgio 25
IN - India 22
VN - Vietnam 19
TG - Togo 11
EG - Egitto 8
EU - Europa 7
KR - Corea 7
BR - Brasile 6
NL - Olanda 6
RO - Romania 4
TW - Taiwan 4
HK - Hong Kong 3
HU - Ungheria 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
DK - Danimarca 2
GE - Georgia 2
IL - Israele 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
RS - Serbia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
EE - Estonia 1
ES - Italia 1
HR - Croazia 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MX - Messico 1
MY - Malesia 1
OM - Oman 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 10.454
Città #
Jacksonville 737
Chandler 718
Woodbridge 662
Ann Arbor 511
Fairfield 452
Houston 444
Dearborn 384
Singapore 345
Wilmington 282
Beijing 210
Ashburn 204
Boardman 198
Princeton 172
Dublin 165
Seattle 137
Cambridge 106
Udine 86
New York 76
Ottawa 72
Izmir 68
Des Moines 53
San Diego 48
Ogden 42
Monmouth Junction 37
Norwalk 36
Hefei 35
Kunming 25
Redmond 25
Brussels 24
Ardabil 23
Milan 23
Nanjing 21
Santa Clara 21
Dong Ket 18
San Mateo 17
Trieste 15
Guangzhou 13
Leawood 12
Lomé 11
Rome 11
Jinan 10
Selvazzano Dentro 10
Toronto 10
Helsinki 9
Bologna 8
Chengalpattu 8
Los Angeles 8
Augusta 7
Fuzhou 7
Mumbai 7
Nanchang 7
Wuhan 7
Cairo 6
Hebei 6
Baotou 5
Chengdu 5
Dallas 5
Hangzhou 5
Shenyang 5
Auburn Hills 4
Grafing 4
Jiaxing 4
Moscow 4
Ningbo 4
Shanghai 4
Taipei 4
Torre Del Greco 4
Venezia 4
Washington 4
Xian 4
Andover 3
Bolzano 3
Bressana Bottarone 3
Budapest 3
Codroipo 3
Fabriano 3
Hong Kong 3
Ipswich 3
Munich 3
Nanning 3
Quzhou 3
Saint Petersburg 3
Shaoxing 3
Tacoma 3
Vicenza 3
Zhengzhou 3
Aga 2
Amsterdam 2
Aydin 2
Belgrade 2
Brescia 2
Brno 2
Brugherio 2
Copenhagen 2
Decatur 2
Edinburgh 2
Effort 2
Hanover 2
Horia 2
Jerusalem 2
Totale 6.794
Nome #
The Vietnamese pig as a translational animal model to evaluate tissue engineered heart valves: promising early experience 162
Differences in the fibril structure of corneal and tendon collagen. An electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction investigation 150
Analisi microdensitometrica della bandeggiatura assile nelle fibrille collagene della cornea dopo criofrattura e replica 136
Carotenoids co-localize with hydroxyapatite, cholesterol, and other lipids in calcified stenotic aortic valves. Ex vivo Raman maps compared to histological patterns. 131
Decellularized aortic conduits: could their cryopreservation affect post-implantation outcomes? A morpho-functional study on porcine homografts 131
A model for type II collagen fibrils. Distinctive D-band patterns in native and reconstituted fibrils compared with sequence data for helix and telopeptide domains 127
Proteoglycans and their relationship with the other components of the rabbit aorta wall observed in two different experimental conditions 123
Deletion of alpha 7 integrin gene results in structural heart modifications 121
Il "banding" nelle fibrille collagene della matrice cartilaginea. Evidenziazione di caratteri ultrastrutturali tessuto-specifici 118
Isolation of intact aortic valve scaffolds for heart valve bioprostheses: extracellular matrix structure, prevention from calcification and cell repopulation features. 118
Calcification in human stenotic aortic valves: involvement of acidic lipids and annexin-V 115
Taurodeoxycholate overcomes limitations of deoxycholate for xenogenic cell removal. 114
Ultrastructural changes in a7 integrin-/- mouse muscular tissues 111
Survival-related autophagic activity versus procalcific death in cultured aortic valve interstitial cells treated with critical normophosphatemic-like phosphate concentrations 110
Protection by opioids against gastric lesions caused by necrotizing agents 109
Cardiac differentiation promotes mitochondria development and ameliorates oxidative capacity in H9c2 cardiomyoblasts 107
Ab interno trabeculectomy: Ultrastructural evidence and early tissue response in a human eye 106
Ultrastructure of the extracellular matrix of bovine dura mater, optic nerve sheat and sclera 103
Computer simulation of collagen fibrils bi- and tridimensional banding pattern 101
Annexin-V and acidic lipids in calcification of human stenotic aortic valves as revealed by histochemical reactions and immuno-gold labelling 101
A comparative study of rat tail tendon collagen by X-ray diffraction and freeze-etching techniques 100
Ultrastructural aspects of proteoglycans in human aortic semilunar valves after cryopreservation 99
Texture analysis of TEM micrographs of alginate gels for cell microencapsulation 98
Selective silver precipitation and malachite green uptake reveal calcium-binding sites and phospholipid involvement on calcified aortic valve thin sections 95
Ultrastructural aspects of freeze-etched collagen fibrils 95
Ab-interno trabeculo-canalectomy: surgical approach and histological examination 95
Ultrastructural observations on collagen and proteoglycans in the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc 87
Ultrastructural studies on collagen-proteoglycan interaction 87
The subdermal model: new insights in aortic valve calcification 87
Cartilage type II collagen fibrils show distinctive negative-staining band patterns. Differences between type II and type I unfixed or glutaraldehyde-fixed collagen fibrils 86
3-D characterization of composite polysaccharide-based scaffolds 85
Why inclusion bodies do assume different locations in thalassemic erithrocytes 84
Microfibrillar arrangement studied on replicas of freeze-fractured collagen fibrils 79
Annexin-V and other endogenous co-factors in mineralization of aortic valves in the subdermal model. 79
Experimental calcification induction in aortic valve interstitial cells using a novel in vitro model 78
Ectopic mineralization in heart valves: New insights from in vivo and in vitro procalcific models and promising perspectives on noncalcifiable bioengineered valves 78
Collagen fibril surface structures: freeze-etching data and computer modelling 77
"D-banding" nelle fibrille collagene native di tipo II 77
Simulazione computerizzata bi- e tridimensionale della bandeggiatura della fibrilla collagena 76
The freeze-etching technique applied to the study of the collagen and proteoglycans of the extracellular matrix 76
Freeze-etching as a 3D approach to the collagen fibril structure 76
Computer simulated and freeze-etched collagen fibrils band patterns 76
Aspetti strutturali del disco intervertebrale. Ricerca istochimica 76
“In vivo” homologous cell repopulation and “in vitro” heterologous re-endothelization of pulmonary valvulated conduits after ECM-preserving decellularization 76
Ultrastructural aspects of rat tail tendon sheats 76
Proteoglycan and alcyan blue complexes on thin sections and on freeze-etching and shadow-casting replicas 75
Computer 3-D modeling of type I and type III collagen: A comparative analysis with freeze-etched collagen fibrils 75
Osservazioni sullo sviluppo dell'etmoide in feti umani 74
Pseudo-elastica in alcoholic hepatic fibrosis: histochemical and ultrastructural aspects 73
Further observations on the relationship of proteoglycans with collagen fibrils 72
Aspetti ultrastrutturali del corpuscolo renale nel corso dello sviluppo e della involuzione del mesonefro. Studio sull'embrione di pollo 70
Determinismo del 'banding' in fibrille collagene di tipo I e III. Nuove acquisizioni dal confronto tra quadri di 'freeze-etching' e modelli computerizzati 70
Ulteriori osservazioni sul tipo di impacchettamento microfibrillare del collagene 69
C-telo regions in type I and type II collagen fibrils. A comparison between ultrastructural and modelling data 69
Osservazioni sui proteoglicani nell'annulus fibrosus del disco intervertebrale di bue. Ricerche istochimiche ed ultrastrutturali 67
Componenti strutturali della parete arteriosa. I. Aorta normale di cane e di coniglio 67
Heart valve regeneration: twelve month results of cell repopulation of valved aortic conduits after decellularization and allogeneic transplantation 66
Cell characterization of porcine aortic valve and decellularized leaflets repopulated with aortic valve interstitial cells 65
Differences in tendon and cornea collagen axial periods 64
Sub-cutis implantation of aortic semilunar valves leaflets. Ultrastructural and histochemical study on calcification 64
Critical involvement of calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2α in aortic valve interstitial cell calcification 64
Modificazioni strutturali nella differenziazione dell'epididimo in Gallus Gallus 63
Modificazioni strutturali della cute in corso di sclerodermia 62
Novel ultrastructural features as revealed by phtalocyanin reactions indicate cell priming for calcification in subdermally implanted aortic valves 62
In vivo spontaneous tissue regeneration of allogeneic decellularized aortic valves 61
Studio al microscopio elettronico e con diffrazione di raggi X del collagene del tendine della coda di ratto in differenti condizioni sperimentali 60
A computed reference model for the type II collagen fibril. Ultrastructure and sequence data comparison 60
Densitometric analysis of freeze-etched collagen fibrils banding patterns 59
The subdermal model: apoptosis, protein expression and associated tissue responses in aortic valve calcification 59
Development of a large scale computer model of collagen 58
Immuno-gold localization of integrin a7 chain and cytoplasmic domain a7B in myotendinous junctions of skeletal muscle 58
Elastin and collagen interact with cell-derived acidic phospholipid membranes in the progression of mineralization in calcifying aortic valves 58
Micro-structural investigation of alginate/lactose-modified chitosan beads 58
The C-telopeptide region in the human type II collagen fibril. A comparison between D-band patterns and structural models 58
Osservazioni sullo sviluppo dell'articolazione scapolo-omerale nell'Uomo, con particolare riferimento ai suoi rapporti con il tendine del capo lungo del muscolo bicipite del braccio 57
Aspetti ultrastrutturali della cartilagine articolare normale ed artrosica 57
Freeze-etching as a 3D approach to the study of collagen fibril 57
Aspetti ultrastrutturali delle fibrille collagene nella sclera 56
Calcium-dependent cytosolic phospholipase A2α as key factor in calcification of subdermally implanted aortic valve leaflets 56
The banding pattern of rat tail tendon freeze-etched collagen fibrils 55
Correlation between amino acid composition and ultrastructural features of type I and type II native collagen fibrils 55
The banding of freeze-etched collagen fibrils in cornea and tendon 54
Regioni intraperiodo "T" in fibrille collagene di cartilagine e conformazione molecolare dei telopeptidi nel tropocollagene di tipo II 54
Irradiation of rabbit retina and initial clinical experience with a Red Diode Laser (670 nm) 54
Bande "GL" e interazione collagene-glutaraldeide in fibrille native di tipo I 53
Su alcune modificazioni dell'adenoipofisi di ratto femmina nato da madre trattata con testosterone. Ricerche al microscopio ottico ed al microscopio elettronico 53
Galectin-1 in cartilage: expression, influence on chondrocytes growth and interaction with ECM components 53
Differentiation patterns of human mesenchymal cells after seeding on homograft-derived acellular pulmonary valve scaffolds 53
Lipid and proteoglycan involvement in induced calcification of semilunar valves as revealed by glutaraldehyde-malachite-green fixation 53
Copper retention in phthalocyanin-treated samples and ultrastructural evidences indicate cell propensity to calcification in vascular tissues 53
Calcification patterns in porcine semilunar valve leaflets implanted subcutaneously in rats. Visualization on semithin and thin sections by von Kossa and cuprolinic blue reactions 53
Heterogeneity of proteoglycan particles in thin sections and replicas of human articular cartilage 53
Specializzazioni morfofunzionali nelle derivazioni connettivali delle vescicole ottiche 52
Lipid and calcium-binding protein involvement in aortic valve calcification as revealed by ultrastructural-histochemical and immunohistochemical data. 52
Freeze-fractured collagen fibrils: interpretation of their micro fibrillar aspect 51
Attainment of acellular scaffolds from native valved aortic conduits endowed with good propensity for proper cell repopulation after allogenic transplantation. 51
In vivo homologous cell repopulation and in vitro heterologous re-endothelization of pulmonary valvulated conduits after ECM-preserving decellularization. 51
Osservazioni sullo sviluppo delle strutture connettive del canale adduttorio nell'Uomo 50
Distribution of integrin alpha 7 beta 1 in the mouse heart 50
Totale 7.825
Categoria #
all - tutte 43.791
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 43.791

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.212 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 319 104 281 53 224
2020/20211.570 34 169 26 202 30 209 48 183 307 18 291 53
2021/20221.304 18 233 55 133 65 18 31 95 26 189 204 237
2022/20231.522 197 148 50 169 158 403 8 104 183 17 41 44
2023/2024462 64 34 14 13 29 94 8 24 70 27 12 73
2024/2025919 59 204 152 104 84 140 176 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.607