Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.649
EU - Europa 1.981
AS - Asia 816
AF - Africa 15
SA - Sud America 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 6
Totale 9.480
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.609
IT - Italia 546
UA - Ucraina 535
SG - Singapore 326
CN - Cina 311
DE - Germania 256
FI - Finlandia 193
SE - Svezia 124
IE - Irlanda 104
TR - Turchia 94
RU - Federazione Russa 68
GB - Regno Unito 64
IN - India 41
CA - Canada 39
BE - Belgio 30
VN - Vietnam 21
FR - Francia 20
RO - Romania 13
BD - Bangladesh 8
TG - Togo 7
BR - Brasile 6
EU - Europa 6
IR - Iran 6
NO - Norvegia 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
NL - Olanda 4
PL - Polonia 4
AU - Australia 3
BJ - Benin 3
CH - Svizzera 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
AT - Austria 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
LT - Lituania 2
MW - Malawi 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 9.480
Città #
Woodbridge 888
Fairfield 806
Ann Arbor 620
Chandler 553
Houston 471
Ashburn 399
Jacksonville 352
Seattle 347
Wilmington 324
Singapore 290
Dearborn 249
Cambridge 237
Boardman 152
Udine 114
Beijing 106
Dublin 104
Princeton 101
Izmir 85
San Diego 44
Des Moines 35
Ottawa 34
Brussels 29
Milan 29
Grafing 27
Helsinki 26
Munich 24
Norwalk 23
Ogden 22
Dong Ket 21
Nanjing 21
Hefei 19
Kunming 17
Los Angeles 14
Dallas 13
Preganziol 11
Santa Clara 10
Kocaeli 9
New York 9
Padova 9
Zhengzhou 9
Augusta 8
Guangzhou 8
Mymensingh 8
Nanchang 8
Fuzhou 7
Hangzhou 7
Lappeenranta 7
Leawood 7
Lomé 7
Monmouth Junction 7
Redwood City 7
Brasov 6
Chengdu 6
Falls Church 6
San Mateo 6
Washington 6
Brescia 5
Chongqing 5
Hebei 5
Moscow 5
Nanto 5
Sao Jose 5
Shanghai 5
Shenyang 5
Andover 4
Baotou 4
Bari 4
Dalmine 4
Edinburgh 4
Fayetteville 4
Florence 4
Foligno 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Hong Kong 4
Hyderabad 4
Jinan 4
Paris 4
Sassari 4
Toronto 4
Treviso 4
Ardabil 3
Bergamo 3
Bologna 3
Cagliari 3
Cava de' Tirreni 3
Changsha 3
Columbus 3
London 3
Mezzolombardo 3
Nürnberg 3
Oslo 3
Phoenix 3
Quzhou 3
Rome 3
Trieste 3
Venezia 3
Ancona 2
Armidale 2
Auckland 2
Baoding 2
Totale 6.924
Nome #
Il marcomele di spremitura insilato nell'alimentazione del vitellone 295
Use of an in vitro gas production procedure to evaluate rumen slow-release urea products 199
Effects of plant vegetative stage and field drying time on chemical composition and in vitro ruminal degradation of forage soybean silage 188
Effect of dietary nitrogen level and source on mRNA expression of urea transporters in the rumen epithelium of fattening bulls 187
Technical note: Precision and accuracy of in vitro digestion of neutral detergent fiber and predicted net energy of lactation content of fibrous feeds 154
A comparison of the predictions of digestible energy content of compound feeds for pigs by chemical or in vitro analysis 149
Effect of diets differing in protein concentration (low vs medium) and nitrogen source (urea vs soybean meal) on in vitro rumen fermentation and on performance of finishing Italian Simmental bulls 147
Testing a stratified continuous rumen fermenter system 146
Effect of dietary inclusion of whole ear corn silage on stomach development and gastric mucosa integrity of heavy pigs at slaughter 145
Volatile compounds and sensory properties of montasio cheese made from the milk of simmental cows grazing on alpine pastures 142
In vitro ammonia release of urea-treated high moisture barley and maize grain 140
Rumen inoculum collected from cows at slaughter or from a continuous fermenter and preserved in warm, refrigerated, chilled or freeze-dried environments for in vitro tests 140
Critical analysis of N balance experiments with lactating cows 139
Digestibility, metabolic utilisation and effects on growth and slaughter traits of diets containing whole plant maize silage in heavy pigs 134
Chemical composition and rumen degradability of three corn hybrids treated with insecticides against the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) 133
Prediction of metabolisable energy content of commercial total mixed rations (TMR) for lactating dairy cows based on gas production measured into two TMR fractions 133
Rumen fermentation characteristics and digestibility of cattle diets containing different whey : maize ratios 132
Topographic distribution of gastritis in heavy pigs investigated by a geographic information system approach 131
Effect of nitrogen fertilisation on chemical composition and rumen fermentation of different parts of plants of three corn hybrids 131
In vivo performance, slaughtering traits and meat quality of bovine (Italian Simmental) and buffalo (Italian Mediterranean) bulls 126
Prediction of urinary and blood pH in non-lactating dairy cows fed anionic diets 125
N losses, purine N derivatives excretion and intestinal digestible protein requirements of cows at maintenance 124
Effect of milk replacers added with microencapsulated organic acids or essential oils on the performance of weaning calves 124
NDF degradability of hays measured in situ and in vitro 123
Digestibility and metabolic utilization of diets containing whole-ear corn silage and their effects on growth and slaughter traits of heavy pigs 121
Effect of dietary inclusion of whole ear corn silage on stomach development and gastric mucosa integrity of heavy pigs at slaughter 121
Prediction of urinary and blood pH in non-lactating dairy cows fed anionic diets 117
Effects of calcium soaps of rape seed fatty acids and protected methionine on milk yield and composition in dairy cows 117
Feeding finishing heavy pigs with corn silages: effects on backfat fatty acid composition and ham weight losses during seasoning 117
Precision and accuracy of the NDF rumen degradability of hays measured by the Daisy fermenter 115
Effect of physical form of whole ear corn silage (coarse vs wet milled) included at high dietary levels (30 vs 40% dry matter) on performance of heavy finishing pigs 114
Performance of lactating Simmental cows fed two diets differing in the content of digestible intestinal protein (PDI) 112
Chemical composition, including secondary metabolites, and rumen fermentability of seeds and pulp of Californian (USA) and Italian grape pomaces 112
Effect of increasing doses of a microencapsulated blend of essential oils on performance of lactating primiparous dairy cows 111
Digestibility and metabolic utilisation of diets containing chestnut tannins and their effects on growth and slaughter traits of heavy pigs 111
Repeatability and reproducibility of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System analytical determinations 110
Ability of mathematical models to predict faecal output with a pulse dose of indigestible marker 110
Urinary pH and mineral excretion of cows fed four different forages supplemented with increasing levels of an anionic compound feed 110
Effects of a blend of essential oils on some end products of in vitro rumen fermentation 110
Impact of NDF content and digestibility of diets based on corn silage and alfalfa on intake and milk yield of dairy cows 107
Chemical composition and net energy content of alpine pasture species during the grazing season 106
Digestibility and allantoin excretion in cows fed diets differing in nitrogen content 105
The estimation of the rumen rate of passage of dietary NDF from degradability and digestibility data in cows 104
Effect of dietary inclusion of flaxseed on milk yield and composition of dairy cows 104
Precision in the measurement of dairy feed fractions based on particle size 103
Innovative procedures to evaluate corn silage for milk yield 100
Confronto tra quattro metodiche di stima in vitro della digeribilità di alimenti per suini 99
The use of quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction to quantify some rumen bacterial strains in an in vitro rumen system 97
Prediction of net energy of lactation content of corn silage and alfalfa hay 94
Impact of NDF degradability of corn silage on the milk yield potential of dairy cows 94
Digestibility, metabolic utilization and effects on growth and slaughter traits of diets containing whole ear corn silage for heavy pigs 94
Chemical composition and energy content of buffalo milk 91
Applicazione di modelli matematici diversi alle variazioni di concentrazione di un marker indigeribile nelle feci per la valutazione della velocità di transito ruminale dei foraggi 91
An evaluation of allantoin as an indicator of rumen microbial protein synthesis in dry and lactating cows 90
A nutritional and rumen ecological evaluation of the biorefinery by-product alfalfa silage cake supplemented with Scrophularia striata extract using the rumen simulation technique 89
Effect of NDF concentration and physical form of fescue hay on rumen degradability, intake and rumen turn-over of cows 77
The effect of energy and protein intake on the excretion of purine derivatives 76
Equipment for the separate collection of faeces and urine from lactating cows: description and variability of experimental data 75
Prove di alimentazione su bovine di razza Pezzata Rossa in lattazione 74
Erratum to: Chemical composition and net energy content of alpine pasture species during the grazing season 71
Equipment for the separate collection of faeces and urine from lactating cows: description and variability of experimental data. Zoot. Nutr. Anim., 20:229-236 70
Prestazioni produttive di bovine di razza Pezzata Rossa Italiana sottoposte a diversi programmi alimentari 70
Interpretation of rumen degradability of concentrate feeds with a Gompertz model 69
Attitudine alla produzione della carne di vitelloni di sei razze da latte e a duplice attitudine 68
Nitrogen balance and partitioning of some nitrogen catabolites in milk and urine of lactating cows 68
Controlli della alimentazione dei suini allevati nel “circuito Parma - San Daniele" 65
I trattamenti fisici del seme integrale di soia: effetto dell'estrusione sulla degradabilità ruminale della sostanza secca e della proteina 65
Digeribilità ed escrezione urinaria di derivati purinici in bufale mediterranee italiane e bovine frisone 64
Short note: Infliximab recovery in a simulated intestinal fluid of the upper intestine tract 64
Digestibility of whole ear corn silage used as ingredient of fattening diets for pigs 63
Weaning performance of Italian Simmental female calves 63
Digeribilità di diete contenenti pastone di pannocchia di mais somministrate a suini pesanti in diverse fasi di crescita 63
Trypsin inhibitory activity of raw soybean after incubation with rumen fluid 63
Degradabilità ruminale in situ delle farine e delle borlande di sorgo di due varietà a diverso tenore di tannini 62
Morfo struttura della mucosa proventricolare di Mesocricetus auratus nel periodo peri e post-natale. 62
I trattamenti fisici del seme integrale di soia: effetto della tostatura e della fioccatura sulla degradabilità ruminale della sostanza secca e della proteina 62
Laboratory variation of 24 in vitro gas production and estimated metabolizable energy values of ruminant feeds 61
Daily variation of purine derivatives concentration in urine of cows fed once or twice daily 61
In vivo performance, carcass and meat quality of young bovine and buffalo bulls. 60
In vivo performance, carcass and meat quality of young bovine and buffalo bulls 59
I silomais non sono tutti uguali in termini di valore energetico 59
Rumen degradability of organic matter, nitrogen and fiber fractions in forages 58
null 55
Destino di 15N da residui colturali, reflui zootecnici e urea 52
Più opportunità con i foraggi ottenuti da consociazioni 52
Impiego di marker in dose unica: stima del transito ruminale e della digeribilità mediante l'applicazione di diversi modelli matematici 48
Effect of lactic acid bacteria addition or protozoa modulation on the in vitro rumen aflatoxin B1 decontamination. 48
Impacts of rumen fluid, refrigerated or reconstituted from a refrigerated pellet, on gas production measured at 24h of fermentation 44
Digestibility of whole ear corn silage for heavy pigs 43
Efecto de differentes inòculos ruminales de vacuno lechero en la reproducibilidad de la digestibilidada in vitro (Daisy II) dela materia seca y la fibra neutro detergente 40
Il valore energetico e proteico del panello di colza nella alimentazione dei ruminanti 37
The prediction of the nutritive value and degradability of mediterranean forages by in vitro gas production 37
Nuove procedure per valutare i foraggi 36
Residual feed intake of Italian Simmental bulls in performance test. 35
Fatty acid profile of table eggs from laying hens fed hempseed products: A meta-analysis 34
A new equipment for continuous measurement of methane production in a batch in vitro rumen system 33
Supplementation of diets with tannins from Chestnut wood or an extract from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni and effects on in vitro rumen fermentation, protozoa count and methane production 32
Evaluation of dietary addition of 2 essential oils from Achillea moschata, or their components (bornyl acetate, camphor, and eucalyptol) on in vitro ruminal fermentation and microbial community composition 32
Rumen fermentation parameters and papillae development in Simmental growing bulls with divergent residual feed intake 25
Totale 9.368
Categoria #
all - tutte 32.631
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 32.631

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.254 0 0 0 0 0 0 313 270 230 210 57 174
2020/20211.465 54 158 56 166 125 161 73 150 194 70 180 78
2021/2022937 39 82 39 57 36 37 73 63 34 144 199 134
2022/20231.260 115 127 16 160 154 292 9 92 169 40 47 39
2023/2024357 56 27 23 19 32 45 8 67 35 20 9 16
2024/2025739 43 151 111 129 173 124 8 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.678