Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.783
EU - Europa 598
AS - Asia 229
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 2
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 3.620
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.769
IT - Italia 166
UA - Ucraina 123
CN - Cina 91
DE - Germania 77
SE - Svezia 57
TR - Turchia 53
SG - Singapore 50
IE - Irlanda 49
FI - Finlandia 44
RU - Federazione Russa 18
IN - India 16
BE - Belgio 15
CA - Canada 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
ES - Italia 9
IR - Iran 9
VN - Vietnam 9
GB - Regno Unito 8
SI - Slovenia 8
TG - Togo 5
AT - Austria 3
NL - Olanda 3
RO - Romania 3
AU - Australia 2
FR - Francia 2
BR - Brasile 1
EG - Egitto 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
KR - Corea 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 3.620
Città #
Chandler 350
Woodbridge 260
Ann Arbor 254
Ashburn 236
Houston 233
Fairfield 223
Seattle 124
Wilmington 102
Dearborn 76
Jacksonville 75
Cambridge 73
Redmond 67
Boardman 61
Izmir 53
Beijing 52
Udine 52
Princeton 50
Dublin 49
Singapore 47
Des Moines 23
Washington 18
New York 16
Ogden 16
Trieste 16
Brussels 15
San Diego 14
Leawood 13
Ottawa 10
Brno 9
Dong Ket 9
Norwalk 9
Barcelona 8
Los Angeles 8
Spinea 7
Veroli 7
London 6
Monmouth Junction 6
Munich 6
Zanjan 6
Andover 5
Guangzhou 5
Hefei 5
Lomé 5
Sacramento 5
Cagliari 4
Catania 4
Fuzhou 4
Nagpur 4
San Donà di Piave 4
Santa Clara 4
Albignasego 3
Helsinki 3
Malo 3
Milan 3
Rome 3
Sëlva 3
Treviso 3
Vienna 3
Wenzhou 3
Bari 2
Carlino 2
Chengdu 2
Clifton 2
Dallas 2
Genoa 2
Grado 2
Hillsboro 2
Horia 2
Kunming 2
Lappeenranta 2
Menlo Park 2
Moscow 2
Nanjing 2
Olomouc 2
Paris 2
Rivergaro 2
Saluzzo 2
Shanghai 2
Shenyang 2
Toronto 2
Valdobbiadene 2
Venezia 2
West Jordan 2
Winnipeg 2
Alatri 1
Alexandria 1
Anzola d'Ossola 1
Augusta 1
Basking Ridge 1
Bassano Del Grappa 1
Bengaluru 1
Bologna 1
Capriate San Gervasio 1
Chicago 1
Chongqing 1
Guiyang 1
Hebei 1
Huzhou 1
Hyderabad 1
Istrana 1
Totale 2.801
Nome #
Detection of bridge emission above 50 GeV from the Crab pulsar with the MAGIC telescopes 144
Black hole lightning due to particle acceleration at subhorizon scales 141
Long-term multi-wavelength variability and correlation study of Markarian 421 from 2007 to 2009 134
Constraints on Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Emission from NGC 1068 with the MAGIC Telescopes 119
Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009 115
Very high energy gamma-ray observation of the peculiar transient event Swift J1644+57 with the MAGIC telescopes and AGILE 110
MAGIC upper limits on the GRB 090102 afterglow 103
Measurement of the Crab Nebula spectrum over three decades in energy with the MAGIC telescopes 101
Discovery of very high energy γ-ray emission from the blazar 1ES 0033+595 by the MAGIC telescopes 100
Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout 100
Search for very high energy gamma-rays from the z = 0.896 quasar 4C +55.17 with the MAGIC telescopes 99
First multi-wavelength campaign on the gamma-ray-loud active galaxy IC 310 98
MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray results on unassociated HAWC sources 93
Observations of the magnetars 4U 0142+61 and 1E 2259+586 with the MAGIC telescopes 90
Teraelectronvolt emission from the γ-ray burst GRB 190114C 88
Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510-089 in 2015 87
MAGIC search for VHEγ-ray emission from AE Aquarii in a multiwavelength context 86
MAGIC detection of very high energy γ -ray emission from the low-luminosity blazar 1ES 1741+196 82
Contemporaneous observations of the radio galaxy NGC 1275 from radio to very high energyγ-rays 82
Development of an advanced SiPM camera for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov TelescopeArray Observatory 82
Discovery of TeVγ-ray emission from the pulsar wind nebula 3C 58 by MAGIC 81
Testing emission models on the extreme blazar 2WHSP J073326.7+515354 detected at very high energies with the MAGIC telescopes 79
MAGIC reveals a complex morphology within the unidentified gamma-ray source HESS J1857+026 76
First broadband characterization and redshift determination of the VHE blazar MAGIC J2001+439 75
Measurement of the extragalactic background light using MAGIC and Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations of blazars up to z = 1 66
Observation of inverse Compton emission from a long γ-ray burst 65
MAGIC long-term study of the distant TeV blazar PKS 1424+240 in a multiwavelength context 65
MAGIC gamma-ray and multi-frequency observations of flat spectrum radio quasar PKS 1510−089 in early 2012 64
Optimized dark matter searches in deep observations of Segue 1 with MAGIC 62
MAGIC observations and multifrequency properties of the flat spectrum radio quasar 3C 279 in 2011 59
Solar panels as cosmic-ray detectors 56
The simultaneous low state spectral energy distribution of 1ES 2344+514 from radio to very high energies 55
Observations of Sagittarius A∗ during the pericenter passage of the G2 object with MAGIC 55
Monitoring the pointing of the Large Size Telescope prototype using star reconstruction in the Cherenkov camera 53
The Cosmic-ray Electron Spectrum Measured with the MAGIC Telescopes 50
A search for dark matter in Triangulum II with the MAGIC telescopes 50
Combined searches for dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies observed with the MAGIC telescopes, including new data from Coma Berenices and Draco 50
Broadband characterisation of the very intense TeV flares of the blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2016 47
Commissioning of the camera of the first Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array 45
Investigating the Blazar TXS 0506+056 through Sharp Multiwavelength Eyes during 2017-2019 45
Lo Specchio Lineare: Archimede ai tempi dell' IOT 40
First detection of VHE gamma-ray emission from TXS 1515-273, study of its X-ray variability and spectral energy distribution 39
Un nuovo gassificatore per biomasse di scarto. 37
Observation of the Gamma-Ray Binary HESS J0632+057 with the H.E.S.S., MAGIC, and VERITAS Telescopes 37
Multiwavelength study of the gravitationally lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 between 2016 and 2020 35
Gamma rays reveal proton acceleration in thermonuclear novae explosions 34
Investigation of the correlation patterns and the Compton dominance variability of Mrk 421 in 2017 32
Search for Very High-energy Emission from the Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0218+4232 29
Performance of the INFN Camera calibration device of the first Large Size Telescope in the Cherenkov Telescope Array 29
Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array 26
MAGIC very large zenith angle observations of the Crab Nebula up to 100 TeV 18
Long-term multi-wavelength study of 1ES 0647+250 10
The camera calibration system for the first Large-Sized Telescope designed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory 10
Performance of the INFN camera calibration device of the first large size telescope in the Cherenkov telescope array 10
Search for Gamma-Ray Spectral Lines from Dark Matter Annihilation up to 100 TeV toward the Galactic Center with MAGIC 8
First characterization of the emission behavior of Mrk 421 from radio to very high-energy gamma rays with simultaneous X-ray polarization measurements 6
Proton acceleration in thermonuclear nova explosions revealed by gamma rays 5
The Great Markarian 421 Flare of 2010 February: Multiwavelength Variability and Correlation Studies 5
Totale 3.755
Categoria #
all - tutte 15.142
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 15.142

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020696 0 0 35 115 54 139 89 81 61 67 18 37
2020/2021401 15 39 6 57 10 61 21 52 40 31 40 29
2021/2022519 13 26 12 39 37 12 22 34 11 63 176 74
2022/2023679 59 74 14 106 52 169 1 48 107 7 20 22
2023/2024450 31 21 22 30 54 94 49 18 27 28 24 52
2024/2025109 26 81 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.755